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Oxford & Buck's Light Infantry


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Could somebody please help me with some info on Frank HALE who died July 21, 1916 while serving with the Oxford & Buck's Light Infantry? Thank you very much.

Bill White


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From SDGW:

Pte. 266369, Frank HALE

Enlisted: Wolverton, Bucks.

Residence: Bradnell, Bucks.

Killed in action, France & Flanders, 21 July 1916.

The 1/1st Buckinghamshire Battalion (TF), OBLI was part of 145th Brigade, 48th (South Midland) Division. 1/1st Bn. suffered 154 casualties on 21 July 1916 in action south-east of Pozieres.

From CWGC:


Initials: F

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Private

Regiment: Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry

Unit Text: 1st/1st Bucks Bn.

Age: 21

Date of Death: 21/07/1916

Service No: 266369

Additional information: Son of Oliver and Jane Hale, of Garden City Villas, Mill Lane, Bradwell, Bucks.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: Pier and Face 10 A and 10 D


Hope the above helps.



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Just to add what has already been posted. Frank was the youngest of Oliver & Jane Hale’s 6 children & was born in Stantonbury (basically spitting distance from Bradwell where he lived). Oliver worked as an Engine Man at the Wolverton Railway Carriage Works. Prior to living at Garden City Villas, the Hale family resided at 37 Bridge Street, Bradwell. Frank had 3 elder brothers, Ernest, Fred & Clifford who were 10, 9 & 4 years older respectively. There was also 2 elder sisters Florence & Effie. Florence was 7 years older & Effie 6 years. When Frank left school he also went to the Wolverton Railway Works (it was one of the biggest employers in the area at the time). He was a Carpenter there until joining the army. Frank is listed on the local Bradwell Parish Memorial……………Bill can I ask your interest as Frank was a local lad to where I live & one of the chaps I’m researching.

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Hi Will. Thank you for your reply. I am researching my family tree. My gr grandmother was Fanny HALE who married Frank WHITE. Frank HALE's gr grandfather was Joseph HALE who was a brother of my grgrgr grandfather William HALE. You don't have a picture of Frank HALE in his uniform do you?


Bill White

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You don't have a picture of Frank HALE in his uniform do you?

Afraid not Bill........Most of the photo's I have of chaps I've researched have been sourced from the archives of the 3 local newspapers. I've never come across any info about or pictures of Frank in these archives........I'll take another look next time I'm up there in case I've missed something but I can't promise anything will turn up

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Hi Will. Do you mean that you have not found anything in the newspaper regarging Frank HALE's death? How do you know about Frank HALE's family? What does the 1/1st mean? Thanks.


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1/1st battalion of the Oxford & Bucks, was a terretorial battalion. They were unusual in that when they were absorbed into the Oxford & Bucks they were allowed to keep their title.

They served in the same brigade as the 4th battalion OBLI.

Battalion headquarters was at Aylesbury, Bucks where they received the order to mobilize at 6.30pm 4th August 1914.

The battalion were sent to various training camps in England prior to their dearture for France at the end of March 1915.

hope this helps


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Hi Will.  Do you mean that you have not found anything in the newspaper regarging Frank HALE's death?  How do you know about Frank HALE's family?

Bill………….. Yes you’re correct that I’ve as yet found no trace of Frank Hale or his family in the local period newspapers..............Incidentally I popped up to the library today in my lunch break & had another look in the newspaper archives. Due to time constraints I was only able to interrogate one of the newspapers so I chose the Wolverton Express, as in my experience it is the best & most detailed one for information pertaining to soldiers from the Bradwell area.................I looked at every issue (it was published weekly) between the beginning of July 1916 & the end of December 1916...................No mention of Frank Hale at all, not even on the roll of honour for the area which was updated every week with the names of fallen soldiers...............Whilst this is a bit unusual there could be a number of reasons................The one which immediately came to my mind is that the newspapers were reliant on information being provided by next of kin or friends. It is quite possible that Frank's parents did not know he was dead (Frank is listed on the Thiepval memorial which suggests he could have been listed as missing straight away rather than one of those casualties who were known to be killed but whose graves were subsequently lost). It is possible that his parents clung onto the hope that Frank although missing was still alive. Acknowledging the fact he may be dead in such a public forum as a newspaper would have been a difficult thing to do psychologically. From spending a great deal of time looking at these archives I have noticed that that sometimes nothing appeared in the newspapers until official notification of death had been received by the next of kin. These could take months if not years to be issued by the War Office. I have seen in the newspapers confirmation of a soldier’s death a year or more after it actually occurred if the soldier in question had first been posted as missing.........Next time I get the chance I'll look through the 1917 & 1918 editions to see if I missed anything in them. Alternatively it may be the case that Frank’s parents simply did not want to add Franks name to the newspapers roll of honour or want to announce his death…Grief can make people become very insular & inward-looking.............Or I might have just missed the reference to him :(

I know about Frank’s family through the 1901 census. I crossed referenced the information I had gathered from the CWGC, SDGW & the LNWR Roll of Honour to identify Frank & his family on the census.

Edited by Will O'Brien
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Hi Brian. Thanks for your reply. I don't understand what the 1/1st means. Why weren't they numbered 1st 2nd 3rd 4th .....


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I checked my Bucks newspaper index last night and the only reference I could find of Frank Hale was in the Wolverton Express dated 25/8/16 when he is reported missing.

Clint Lawson

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I checked my Bucks newspaper index last night and the only reference I could find of Frank Hale was in the Wolverton Express dated 25/8/16 when he is reported missing.

Clint Lawson

Must have missed it when I looked for Bill on Thursday..............Best have another look next time I'm up there.

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Hi Will. Could you please send me a photo copy of the article about Frank HALE going missing. Thanks to everyone who helped me with info on Frank HALE.


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Hi Will. Could you please send me a photo copy of the article about Frank HALE going missing. Thanks to everyone who helped me with info on Frank HALE.



Went up there again today during lunch...........I can see why I missed it first time around. The page in question is in very poor condition. I ran a photocopy off but it's just about illegible............The librarian has said she would try to get a better image for me but it might take a couple of days as she would have to do it out of working hours. Once I've got it I'll email you for your address............I have written down the text of the notice for you............This is it verbatim

Wolverton Express 25th August 1916 Page 3

The Roll of Honour - Missing

'Private F. Hale, Bucks Battalion, Oxford and Bucks L.I, son of Mrs Hale, Mill Lane, Stantonbury, officially reported as missing after engagement with British Expeditionary Force 21st July 1916'.

Not a great deal I'm afraid & I guess that's probably the only mention of Frank in a local newspaper if Clint has no other reference in his extensive database.

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Bill............I've obtained the photocopy from the library........The clarity isn't great but it's readable. I'll email you for your address to send it on.

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