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Haig expelled Clifton College


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I know it's just wiki, but is there any truth in Click

" The force was commanded by Field Marshal Sir John French until December 1915, when he was replaced by General Sir Douglas Haig.Haig had previously been expelled from Clifton College for 'enjoying seeing others in pain'. "

I did a search, but only came up with Click


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I suspect GAC will be along to confirm or otherwise.

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I suspect GAC will be along to confirm or otherwise.

Thanks Steven, I hope so. I can't find any other reference to it so far, and I would have thought, if true, it would have been mentioned here before. Perhaps someone is mixing Haig and Cleese up? :) Funnily enough, an anagram of Haig and Cleese is hee lies gac


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There's nothing in Mead or Sheffield to support the allegation. The other books that I have relating to Haig do not address his schooldays. It would be very surprising if such an event had been suppressed successfully for a century.



There is no quoted source for the comment, and what little i have read lends no support whatsoever. I suspect its one of those wiki things.

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Having had my attention drawn to this by Broomers, I can confirm that Wikipedia has once again astounded me with their uncanny ability to unearth historical facts which mainstream historians have either missed or suppressed. This incident is the notorious case when Haig had two of his fags roast young Tom Brown in front of the fireplace in his room. Mind you, Brown had it coming to him, after the little oik refused to hand over a winning sweepstake ticket when Douggie demanded it from him. But the perverse pleasure which Haig apparently took in watching Brown's punishment was what got him expelled, and with hindsight is probably an early sign of the pleasure he took in sending millions of working-class dupes and their talking horses to painful deaths in France and Flanders years later. Incidentally, the Wiki reference also resolves the mystery of where all the Lions led by Donkeys trolls who used to haunt forums like this have gone - they edit Wiki.

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I think they have got confused with BL Montgomery who found himself in serious trouble at Sandhurst for setting fire to the shirt tails of a fellow cadet, seriously burning him. An easy mistake to make of course, the names are similar.


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. An easy mistake to make of course, the names are similar.


Indeed, very similar. They will probably just leave it as Haig though. It will be such a hassle to change it.

All trying to change the Lions led by donkeys image have their work cut out. Click


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Superb find, Mike - a classic of the genre. The bit that made me laugh most was at the end, where the author, Pearldiver, puts '© Copyright 2010 - 2012 Pearldiver nzpol with all rights reserved.' As if anyone would want to steal and pass off as their own Peraldiver's fact-free semi-literate drivel.

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You're welcome George. I noticed this

" thank you for reading this and taking the time to leave a comment. I am sure that Haig and several others like him, would have been rejected from hell and directed to a far lower place. Sadly, so many real people were expended to justify his trip. Many of his acts remain today sealed still as Secret. They are due to be opened after 2015... so I am sure for many, the horrors will be once again relived, as the public finally get to see the true extent of the crimes. You Take Care.. don't forget. "

Do you know if there are indeed many documents to be released in 2015. I assume if there are, they are as likely to be as useful to you, as 'perildrivel'


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Yes, that is one of Pearldiver's pearls of wisdom, Mike, and like him I can hardly wait for the 2015 release of the top secret dossier on Haig's expulsion from Clifton for beasting Tom Brown.

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Yes, that is one of Pearldiver's pearls of wisdom, Mike, and like him I can hardly wait for the 2015 release of the top secret dossier on Haig's expulsion from Clifton for beasting Tom Brown.


Can't wait. (I think pearly is from Oz?)

One more Click


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Classic. The author of that gem is clearly the senior staff writer behind the Daily Express' campaign to melt down Haig the murderer's statue in Whitehall.

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That was fun. Thanks Mike.


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So long as he didn't know your mother...................................


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I'd argue with George (well, to be fair, he argues with everyone) about pearldriver work. It's far from semi-literate. It's totally illiterate.

I'm surorised they missed the slight unpleasantness about the takings from the original Haig Fund. Remind me where the money for Bemersyde came from ...

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