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Black Watch Germany 1919


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I have a picture of my grandfather James Stewart Hewison in a Black Watch uniform with the caption on the back reading 12/5/19 10 Plat C (or E) Coy 1/6 Blackwatch BEF Germany. (Not sure if that is 12 May 1919 or 5 Dec 1919) I also have pictures of him in the uniform of 11 Gordon Highlanders as well as another I believe to be a Gordon badge. The Medal roles confirm his service as being Gordon Highlanders S/22462, Cameron Highlanders S/41101 and Royal Highlanders S/41983. I have been told that the 11 Gordon Highlanders never saw action; that they were a home battalion for processing men through to other battalions by attachement. So my questions are:

1. Was this a normal progression for someone to go from the Gordons, to the Camerons, to the Blackwatch?

2. Can some one tell me if the Blackwatch (specifically 10 Plat C (or E) Coy 1/6 Blackwatch ) was part of the occupation force after the war.?

3. Can someone identify that badge in this photo?

Mike Bostwick


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In answer to your questions:

1. A person may be transferred between regiments because they needed manpower. This way quite a few English were found later in a kilted regiment!

2. From the Order of Battle of Divisions I rephrase: in Feb. 1919 three battalions (6th Black Watch, 4th Seaforth, and 4th Gordond), left the division (51st Division) for Germany. In April these battalions were posted to a Highland Division in the Army of the Rhine (the division in the Army of Rhine adopted regional titles, not to be confused with titles of war-formed divisions). So yes, 6th Black Watch was in Germanry.

3. For the badge, the angle of the photo makes it s bit difficult to identify. But it looks like a Gordon Highlanders badge to me.

I hope this helps,



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6th Battalion was at Mechernich and moved to Mezenich on 12/3/1919.

19/7/1919 to Bruck

9/8/1919 to Duren

10/8/1919 to England


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Thanks alot for the information.

Here is the subject picture of John Stewart Hewison with the caption

12/5/19 10 Plat C (or E) Coy 1/6 Blackwatch BEF Germany.


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Not surprising your grandfather saw service in more than one regiment. He has 4 Wound Stripes and I would suggest that after recuperation he was probably sent back as a member of a reinforcement draft to another Regiment. Maybe on more than one ocassion.

The 11th. Gordons was a service Battalion but sawno service outwith the UK

I would agree that the badge is Gordon.


Jim Gordon

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