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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Medal Index Cards for Indians soldiers.


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The MIC for Indian troops for WWI medals were destroyed years ago as they were taking up too much room in an office. An act of disgraceful vandalism by some faceless official. The only remaining MIC for Indian troops cover the General Service Medal.

Some WWI medal rolls for Indian troops are known to exist in India. Getting at them is another story. At the moment there is no way to research Indian soldiers.


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The MIC for Indian troops for WWI medals were destroyed years ago as they were taking up too much room in an office. An act of disgraceful vandalism by some faceless official. Steve

that really is disgusting

i can hardly believe it

i'm speechless

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A similar thing happened in the Navy a couple of decades ago; thousands of Submarine Service Cards and other service documents dating back 100 yrs or so and generally pertaining to the engineering branches were ditched for the same reason.


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The 3 service medal offices are currently being merged into a single MOD medal office. This will involve moving records from the Army and the Navy medal offices to the RAF office in Gloucestershire. The great fear is that more 'weeding out' of documents will take place.


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