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9th Bn Rifle Brigade


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Researching one of two soldiers killed in action on 21/03/1917 from the 9th Bn Rifle Brigade. Anyone out there with access to the Battalion War Diary who can fill in the gaps as to what the unit was up to during this period of time? (I presume they were lost holding the line or during a working party).

Best regards


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21/3/17 Diary reads as follows Andy:-


R.S.F. of 3rd Division made a raid on I sector at 1.30am. Relieved 5th K.S.L.I. in trenches. 'D' Coy left and 'C' Coy right in old German 3rd line "Galway Trench" 'B' Coy in support in old English Front line. 'A' Coy in reserve in C Line. H.Q. in Hunter Street, 2 O.R. killed 11 O.R. wounded.


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Thanks Andy, that is very kind of you indeed.

Best regards


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No problem Andy, Brigade diary adds very little with the KSLI going back into Dunedin Cave and Ronville, Arras. The relief started at 6pm but some officers of the 9th RB were in these trenches on the 20th.


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Thanks once again Andy, I don't suppose you have any idea when the enemy front line referred to had been captured? I see they were down to the SE of Arras to the N of the Neuville Vitasse Road, Hunter and Galway are well marked.

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Morning Andy,

(Apologies for hi-jacking yet another thread,)

I have 2 men from the Walsall RoH from the 9th Rifle and was wondering if you had the WD entries for

Monday 9 August 1915

Thursday 3 May 1917

Many thanks,


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Hi Andy,

Will look through the 14th Division diaries, this time is marked as the German withdrawal earlier in the month.

Morning Graeme,

No problems, will place them here for you, you might want to look in the classic threads section at a thread I placed there concerning 3rd May attack at Cherisy/Triangle wood area.


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Hi Andy

Many thanks for posting the diary, but Im going round in circles at the moment. Sorry.

Re 9 August 1915 - can you tell me where they were and why ??

Re 3 May 1917 - Ive found some bits but cannot find the classic thread you posted. can you point me in the right direction ??

Sorry to be a pain in the proverbial,



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Hi Graeme,

classic threads Cherisy, May 3rd, 4th page in.

Can you send me your e-mail address and I will send diaries of for relevant months on both dates you need, let me know if you need brigade, H.Q. or whatever material with this.


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You should have all the info for the 9th on 3rd May there Graeme.


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Hi Andy,

Have downloaded the info so cheers for that.

Just one last question, please, where were the battalion on 9 August 1915 ??

many thanks,


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Go to your e-mail inbox, you will find July and August diary there.


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Can I publicly thank Andy for all the time and effort that he's gone to today to try and help me out,

Really appreciate it, Andy,



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Welcome Graeme, glad the information sent helped you.

Now back to Andy's request,

Andy, I will attach 14th & 56th Division orders of 18th mentioning that the Germans were withdrawing to their main line of defence and mentioning some of the areas taken by 30th, 56th & 14th Div. The KOYLI made a trench raid on the 12th were although they lost heavily mentions that there was little opposition in places.




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Thanks Andy.... Three shots... Jolly unlucky pilot!

Looks like Capt C Holland WIA and 2Lt AC Heavan from 8Sqn flying a BE2e ('The Sky Their Battlefield')

Thanks for all of your time and effort for us today, that has really 'done the job' for me!

Best wishes


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Andy, my fellow joined 9th Bn 'in the field' on 11th December 1916. Does the BWD have any info on where they were/what size the draft joining was?

Thanks, Andy B

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Hi Andy,

The 9th RB had a draft of 82 O.R.'s join on the 12/12/16. Early part of December 1916 was spent at Berneville doing working parties for VI th Corps, on the 8/12/16 they marched from Berneville to Ambrines. They were at Ambrines until the 14/12/16 when they marched to Dainville via Wanquetin.

At Dainville they went into Divisional Reserve until the 22/12/16 when they relieved the 5th Oxs & Bucks L.I. in G right sector.


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That's tremendous. Thank you once again

Andy B

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