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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

9th Bn Rifle Brigade


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Hi Andy,

Not a problem. Curious though as you have mentioned your man but no name or number.

FYI, the 9th RB received 850 O.R., 10 officers, 9 sergeants & 11 corporals as reinforcements in 1916. As of January 1st, 1917 the 9th comprised 12 officers, 4 W.O.'s, 51 sergeants and 913 rank and file (slightly under strength) this number was brought up to strength in January 1917 with quite a few reinforcements being sent to them.

in 1916 14 officers, 14 sergeants, 14 corporals and 241 riflemen were reported killed or died of wounds, 672 officers, N.C.O.'s and riflemen were sent home wounded or sick.


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Pte Mark Waller, S/28472, of Rudgwick, Surrey. Currently researching the village war memorial so that we can increase awareness as we approach the centenary. Mark was one of three brothers to die as a result of the conflict: one of wounds from the Battle of Loos (Pte Edwin Waller, 2/Royal Sussex Regiment), and the other (Pte Thomas Waller, 7/Royal Sussex Regiment) in 1919 as a result of illness contracted on active service. The family also lost a son-in-law (Pte John Frederick Scammell, 7/Queen's RWSR), killed in action in the Battle of the Somme.

If you have any further info on Mark, it would be gratefully received...(already accessed his records online).

Best wishes

Andy B

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