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Pte Percival Thomas Stephenson, RF


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About two years ago I discovered that CWGC hadn't got my grandfather's eldest brother on their site. I contacted them and they said I'd need a death certificate and perhaps his service record to help them take it further.

I have been to the FRC for his death certificate and looked at WO 363/4 at PRO with no success. I did find his medal roll entry though. I couldn't find him in "Soldiers died in the Great War" in RF volume at Birmingham Central Library either.

His obituary in a local newspaper begins:

"Official information has been received that Private Percival Thomas Stephenson, Royal Fusiliers, London Regiment, was killed in action in France on October 26 [1917]...He joined the ASC on enlistment and was eventually transferred to the Royal Fusiliers. He had only been in France two and a half months..."

His service number was GS/67458.

For the next four years, until she remarried on 07/10 1922, his widow put "In Memoriam" entries in the local newspaper. It's heart wrenching stuff as you can imagine.

His name does appear on his local war memorial in Tamworth, Staffordshire.

If "official information" was received by the family, how come I can't find a death certificate? What can I do now? I don't want to give up! His son died childless 20 years ago, I don't know what happened to his daughter.

Thanks. John.

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Yes, I've tried that - they found a younger brother but not him. Thanks anyway.

I've also tried all the combinations of his name too: Percival Thomas Weir Stephenson on his birth certificate.


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Yes, but thanks for the input.

Is it possible that a death certificate wasn't issued?

Would there be any milage in contacting his regiment?

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I have had the same experience when trying to get a man recognised by MoD/CWGC. No death certificate could be found (I assume you asked for a search of the Overseas Register).

The other evidence made up for this lack and the man was eventually accepted but missing certificates do occur.

What actual evidence of his death do you have?

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He is on a local war memorial;

He had an obituary in a local newspaper;

There are In Memoria from his wife and members of his family on the anniversary of his death in 1918, 1919, 1920 and 1921;

He is described as "deceased" on his daughter's birth certificate (01/05/18);

His wife is described as "Widow" when she remarried on 07/10/22;

He and his brother are described on their parents tomb stone as not returning from the War.

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This all points in the right direction but none of it is official and nor does it prove his death in service.

Was his death noted in the medal roll or MIC?

I am trying to gather as much info as possible so as to suggest a way ahead.

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His death wasn't noted in the medal roll. What's MIC?

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The MICs are the Medal Index Cards on microfiche available in the PRO/NA. They are the index for the Medal Rolls which are large volumes containing the full details -also held at the PRO.

The MICs are now available on-line and downloads cost £3.50 - cheaper than a trip to Kew.

If you haven't checked the MICs yet you can do so here (However, I don't think they have reached the letter 'S' yet and so you may have to wait a while till they are loaded)


There may be a note of his death on his card. This can form the start of the 'official' trail. If you download his MIC, post it here so that we can see what info it contains.

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Oh yes, thanks Terry. I think S comes up in a few weeks time.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been thinking about him a lot today as it is 87 years since he died.

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Here's from the MIC online:




Catalogue ref


Medal card of Stephenson, Percival T W

Corps: London Regiment

Regiment No: GS/67458

Rank: Private...

1914-1920 WO 372/19

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Thanks for that! Last time I looked at the documents online site, a few weeks ago, it wasn't there.

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