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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lincolnshire Regiment


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I am researching a soldier who was killed in 1918. His unit was 1st Infantry Labour Company, Lincolnshire Regiment.

Does anyone know which battalion this company belonged too?

Was it 12th (labour) Battalion?

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Heres a couple of resources you may not have seen.



As in one of my grandfathers case's men often ended up in a labour battalion after wounds etc sustained elsewhere ,often under a different army number. Check Lincs regiment but also North Staffs or North midland Division for other references as often men were taken from Lincs Batts to supplement regiments in this division..


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Labour Companies, and the Labour Corps in general, are very ill researched at present unfortunately. This site may give some more information in addition to the two mentioned.

As for 12th (Labour) Bn, The Lincolnshire Regiment, this was transferred to the Labour Corps in April 1917, and reorganised as 16th and 17th Labour Coys.

Do you have some more information on the 1st Infantry Labour Company of the Lincolnshire Regiment?


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