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10th Sherwood Foresters


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Can anyone please tell me what the 10th Sherwood Foresters were upto(including location) between 16th and 22nd Feb 1916.

Many thanks.


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According to the Order of Battle of Divisions series, the division the battalion was in, 17th (Northern) Division, was engaged at The Bluff during the second two weeks of February 1916. Hence I assume that 10th Sherwood Foresters would not be far away at the time.

I hope this gives a clue were to locate your battalion.


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16/2/16 - 17 Div relieved by 3 Div. 10 SF relieved by 2/ Suffolks during the night. 10 SF to Camp B, Reninghelst, La Clytte, arriving at 2.00 a.m. Roll calls revealed casualties over the previous few days fighting as 16 Officers, 334 OR's. The battalion remained at Camp B resting and incorporating new drafts until 29 February (it was a leap year).

Why the query if I may ask?

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These are not the dates you request but if you were checking on a casualty then it might be relevant.

Night of 13/14/2.16 : - 10 SF relieved 7 Lincs who were holding the Bluff NE of Ypres-Comines canal. All ranks wearing steel helmets for the first time.

Following morning a bombardment started on the front and support lines of 10SF, reaching a peak in the afternoon when a mine exploded under the trenches occupied by C company causing many casualties.

Enemy followed up with an attack. Counter attack assisted by bombers of Lincs Regt.

(SDGW lists 136 casualties for 10SF this date 14.2.16, one kia 15th and 2 dow 16th)

10SF withdrawn to support position on 15.2.16, relieved 16/17.2.16 by troops of 3rd Division.

Casualties very heavy 16 opfficers and 334 ors


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Just to add that 10SF had the third most casualties out of all the battalions:-

1SF 1,321

2SF 1,283

10SF 1,098

(Source regimental annual)

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Andrew and Stuart.

Many thanks to you both for your help.

I'm researching Pte 28276 William Henry Benfield,10th S.F.

From information Stuart has already kindly supplied me with,I know that he was reported wounded in his local paper(Derby Mercury) on 10/3/16,and again on 31/8.17,I also know from his certificate of service that he was at "home"from 21/2/16/until May 1916,so I assumed he was wounded sometime close to 21/2/16,hence my question.

I'm also interested in what the 10th S.F were upto around the time of his second wounding(31/8/17) so any info would be gratefully received.

Pte Benfield went on to be made POW on 21/3/18,returned to UK Dec 1918,continued to serve with the S.F. mostly 2nd battalion for 18 years and re-enlisted in 1940 and served until the end of the war.

Many thanks again,it is really appreciated. :)


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On your website, on the 10th Sherwood Foresters page, a history of theirs is mentioned: Housley, Cliff. History of the 10th Battalion The Sherwood Foresters 1914-1918. Miliquest. Do you know where I can get that? A great, great uncle of mine served with them (and died on the 7th July 1916). Been looking for a book on them...


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I'm also interested in what the 10th S.F were upto around the time of his second wounding(31/8/17)

If that was the paper date (I have nothing for that date) and allowing time for casualty reports to get back perhaps the 8th August 1917 will be relevant.

On this day the battalion were in the line South of the Arras-Vitry railway.

At 0345hrs the enemy attempted a raid, special "sturme truppe" were used for this purpose. This party was beaten off with heavy loss before they reached the front line leaving one wounded prisoner. About 12noon the same day nine enemy were seen approaching the lines, they were seen by a sentry and and 2Lt Wicks, W.C. , ran out with four men. They were greeted with a shower of bombs which wounded three men. Wicks and the remaining OR charged the enemy killing 4 (3 by Wicks). Wicks received the M.C. for this action.

I think there is a bit of research to do on that for your relative regarding the above action.

Good luck


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William Huckerby, KIA 07.07.1916, 10th Battalion Sherwood Foresters. He died, along with 40 or so other Foresters attacking Quadrangle Support trench, west of Mametz Wood. Four or so officers also died in the assault... most of the men have no known grave, unit history and letters from the survivours state that most of the men were left where they fell.

His name is on the Thiepval Monument and much of what I have learned of the attack is though the unit hisotory and thr Battle Ground Europe book about Mametz Wood... but to be frank, my knowledge is pretty sketchy! I would love to know more and read any books about the battalion's history.

I visited the site of the action and a couple of the known graves from this action/ from his regiment earlier this year at Dantzig Alley cemetery. Very moving as you can imagine.


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Mark - that's now 3 Forest fans on the Forum to my knowledge! The book I referred to is by Cliff Housley and is only available through him. Write to:

Miliquest Publications,

83, Draycott Road,


Long Eaton,


NG10 3BL.

It's ISBN is 0952964821.

In effect it is really a rewriting of the War Diary.

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In late August the 10th SF were near Arras but my book on the battalion doesn't say much about events in that month other than detailing the coming and goings of officers and giving a monthly total of 12 killed and 43 wounded. Not enough to really help you I'm afraid.


The book devotes nearly two pages to the events of 7 July 1916 and it would breach copyright to reproduce, but I doubt it adds much to what you know already.

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Many thanks again to Andrew and Stuart.

Stuart,thats very interesting regarding the trench raid on 8/8/16,I'd love to find out if he was involved in that action.

Once again,many thanks for your help.

Best wishes.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Stuart,

I've noticed that you seem to know a lot about the Sherwood Forresters.Is it possible that you could find some info about a relative of mine (or perhaps tell me where I could go to find it elsewhere)who was in the 2/5th Bn Sherwood Forresters?

His name was Thomas Edward TIMMS,Private/reg no 43714.

He died on Thursday,21st March 1918

I'm interested really to know what action he died in(I think it may have been near Noreuil) and what happened to him there if thats available on your records.

Many thanks for any help you can give me.

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Thanks for the compliment but I have hardly scratched the surface - there were quite a few Notts & Derby Battalions.

I have nothing personally on Timms. I see that he came from Holbeach, Lins area - perhaps a look in a local newspaper for that time might a mention of him.

The thread I pointed you to earlier might have something or even a letter to the regimental museum might yield further information.

I think it is fair to assume ( never assume I know) that he died in the attack described in the copies of the diary that SueL has kindly supplied us with.


Mark A

Sorry, late with this, nothing on Huckerby. If anything crops up will add to this thread.

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