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9/R. Highlanders


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Does anyone have any idea when a soldier of 9/Black Watch with a regimental no. of S/27717 might have joined up or went to France?

No date of entry is specified on his MIC



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Hi Roger,

Most of the men who landed at Boulogne with the Battalion on 8 July 1915 had four digit numbers with an S prefix. I have a BWM/Vic. Pair to Pte. William Dickson, 9th R.Highrs. who was killed in action March 1918 whose number was S-21330. I also have a BWM to Pte. John Ewing S-20358, KIA July 1917; and a pair to William Frizzell, S-25282, killed in action August 1918. Most of these lads seem to have arrived in France from mid 1917 onwards. This isn't definate and I don't think this block of numbers was unique to the 9th but hope it helps.

Best wishes,


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I meant to ask if you could post the soldier's details. I'd be interested to see them.


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Thanks for the reply Derek. The soldier in question is;

S/27717 Pte James P Holywood

I have his Victory medal. It was given to me by a workmate when I was based in Faslane. He told me he'd got it from a secondhand shop and it used to adorn his motorcycle jacket. :o

He isn't on the CWGC site so I take it he survived. I did a bit of tentative research on the Scotlands People site and I believe he was from Kilmarnock but thats all I've got.


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SDGW gives only 2 BW casualties with S/277xx numbers - 27703 DOW on 15 Nov 18 and 27744 KIA on 6 Sep 18. Both 9th Bn. Probably suggests 277xx men are late war recruits.


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I have check my lists and find any that died between no's 27005 and 28658 all died in 1918.

However 28673 was published wounded in 1917


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