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How do I find a list of POWs?


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Can anyone help me find out the names and other details of Highland Light Infantry soldiers taken prisoner on the Somme on 22nd November 1916? These boys would all have been from the 16th bttn, engaged in the attack on Frankfurt Trench on 18/11/16 and subsequently over run around the 22nd. Any help gratefully received as usual!

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In my experience, lists of POWs could take a few weeks to appear in the Newspapers.

If you can do it, well worth checking out archives of papers in Glasgow area because of the 16th's connection to the city. Maybe also 'The Scotsman'.


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There is a book called "Epic Acions of the First World War" which decribes this action and lists those survivors who recieved decorations for it. This was recommended by Genral Sir Hubert Gough in Army Order 193 in 1919.

He says " I consider that these men deserve great recognition for the magnificent example of soldierly qualities they displayed"

It seems that they mostly came from D company and the two NCOs who are MID were recommended for a posthumous VC. The medals were awarded to the following.

Lt John Stewart DSO

2/Lt Malcom Murray Lyon MC

2/Lt Frank Scott MC

14952 Cpl Browne DCM

14811 Sgt Buchan DCM

3579 L/Cpl Eastop DCM

14661 L/Cpl Fletcher DCM

43183 Pte Fraser DCM

26203 L/Cpl Mc Arthur DCM

14493 Pte McLay DCM

27274 Pte Manson DCM

43155 Pte Millar DCM

14388 Pte Mitchell DCM

43163 Pte Smart DCM

27252 Pte Cairns MM

3563 Pte Duncanson MM

28779 Pte Grant MM

9345 Pte Gunning MM

40546 Pte Hay MM

43144 Pte Hughes MM

45105 Pte Lamb MM

32681 L/Cpl McAllistar MM

24571 Pte McBride MM

27250 Pte McGregor MM

14823 Pte McGrottie MM

30325 Pte McKinley MM

1451 Pte McInnes MM

3524 Pte McPhee MM

27270 Pte Manson MM

14398 Cpl Reed MM

43181 Pte Shaw MM

43232 Pte Smart MM

14287 Pte Smith MM

30306 Pte Stevenson MM

40542 Pte Steward MM

43165 Pte Whittet MM

15154 Sgt Lee MID

14545 L/Cpl Veitch MID

There aeems to be some dispute as to how many were taken into captivity but two of the wounded died on the way to prison camp and one was shot for giving a piece of bread to a Frenchwoman. They actually surrended on day eight being the 25th of November. Fifteen were unwounded and ther may have been dozens more taken away on stretchers. It sounds like the German wrath was such that the only reason prisoners were taken is because of the pleas of the 8 German prisoners in Frankfurt Trench with them.

The Co of the 16th HLI received the Croix De Guerre although he wasn't involved directly in the action, being mainly occupied with several unsuccessful rescue attempts.

Some of the 11th Borders from the same brigade were also in the trench, their part is often forgotten.

It might be worth crosschecking soem of the names above with the POW data base.

Officer POWs of the Great War mention Stewart, Scott and Murray-Lyon and also adds Lt Skene as being captured on the same day. Their date of capture,however, is listed as the 18th of November which of course the date the attack started, not the date they were captured.

I have a copy of the history of the 16th HLI but it doesn't name names. Lynn MacDonald's excellant book "Somme" ends with an account of this action

Hope you find this useful


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