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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

New Book by Zuber ?


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Hi Paul

Could you please suggest a handful of Geman articles or writers about German performance tanslated into English - that I could access and download myself?

I have Jack Sheldon's books and Ralph Whiteheads' plus Storm of Steel and a chap Blohm? (can't put my hand on it) about 1914.



I do not believe there is an issue relying on German sources to write about the German Army performance during the war. There are plenty of German military writers, especially in professional journals during the interwar years, who are honest (and generally critical) of their own performance during the war. I would even say that in general most are critical of their performance--that's the reason why they're writing! There is no shortage of sources that can provide good, informed, critical assessments of performance during the war. That is not a problem.

This frankness in general cannot be extended to the performance of individual officers--unless you're von Moltke, Falkenhayn or poor Lieutenant-Colonel von Hentsch. This is a known weakness in some German sources--especially the official history, and it was criticized and questioned by the Germans themselves during its writing.


P.S. I should have added some civilian writers as well--mea culpa to the one and only Hans Delbrück!

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Hi James,

Unfortunately I've not seen them translated whole into English. There are bits and snipits used in books on the war, but I've not seen a collection (or single examples) translated anywhere outside of the odd article in one of the various english language professional journals from the 20's or 30's.


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Hi James,

Unfortunately I've not seen them translated whole into English. There are bits and snipits used in books on the war, but I've not seen a collection (or single examples) translated anywhere outside of the odd article in one of the various english language professional journals from the 20's or 30's.


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