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RNAS mechanic research


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Hi all,

I am newby regards RNAS research and papers. I just got one air mechanic's service papers and I would need some help regards to understand them.

About these ships or stations, how I can find out where he was and what he did? Any interesting appointments?

Kind Regards,



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While serving on the books of HMS PRESIDENT II he could have been at any one (or more) of several RNAS establishments in UK or France. He appears to have been attached to the Anti Aircraft Corps (AAC) in early 1918. From 1 Apr 1918 he was loaned to the RAF on the books of HMS PRESIDENT V (unlike most RNAS ratings he was not permanently transferred) and served at RAF Dollis Hill, RAF Newbury and RAF Glasgow. Interesting that he did not retain his probationary rating of Petty Officer Mechanic but reverted to Air Mechanic 1.

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Thank you very much! Thats brilliant information to start with! :thumbsup:

I also found him and his picture on the Aeroclub materials. Looks like he was profesional motor engineer (university education) and also gained licenses for different models in late 30s.

Thanks again,


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Few more questions.... If the person was active in the aero club in 30s (Thanet Aero Club cert from 1938 for D.H.87.B), previous WW1 service, etc. is there a chance that he was involved in WW2 as well and became entitled lets say Defence medal. Is it possible to check via some rolls or lists?

Also I have only his service card that I posted up above. Did they issued Medal Index Cards to RNAS personell too and from where I can find them? Unfortunately my essential ancestry membership do not allow to check Navy awards if they can be under there.

Kind Regards,

Timo aka Noor

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