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Jack Muir

john w.

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I have just acquired some papers in a sale which tell of the above's death by a sniper... Unknown theatre, but the letter writer was in the 4th Company, 1st Batt Otago, 2nd Brigade, hence the assumption that Jack Muir was a New Zealander.

Another name was Sam Rowe who was in the 8th coy, 2nd OJB? or DJB from what I can read..

Any help?


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I wonder if this chap could be 42547, Pte John Muirhead, 4 Coy, 1st Bn Otago Regt, NZEF, who died on 12 December 1917 and is buried in Tyne Cot Cemetery.

CWGC give address of NOK at 635 Castle Street, Dunedin.



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more likely to be

Surname MUIR

Given Name Jack Munden

Category Nominal Rolls Vol 4

Regimental Number 75493

Rank Trooper

Next of Kin Title Mrs N

Next of Kin Surname MUIR

Next of Kin Relationship Mother

Next of Kin Address 778 George Street Dunedin

Roll Roll 91

Page Page 7

Occupation Engineer


Surname MUIR

Given Name John

Category Nominal Roll Vol. 3

Regimental Number 53235

Rank Private

Next of Kin Title William

Next of Kin Surname MUIR

Next of Kin Relationship Brother

Next of Kin Address Edendale Southland

Roll Roll 67

Page Page 21

Occupation Carpenter


Surname MUIR

Given Name John Mitchell

Category Nominal Roll Vol. 3

Regimental Number 50098

Rank Trooper

Next of Kin Title Mrs H M A

Next of Kin Surname MUIR

Next of Kin Relationship Wife

Next of Kin Address 778 George Street Dunedin

Roll Roll 74

Page Page 4

Occupation Hairdresser


several other John Muirs

But I don't know whether any of these died

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Who is the letter writer?

I have just found a John Muir who died, and a Sam Rowe, who both came from Pleasant Point, South Canterbury

Surname ROWE

Given Name Samuel

Category Nominal Roll Vol. 3

Regimental Number 46531

Rank Rifleman

Next of Kin Title P

Next of Kin Surname ROWE

Next of Kin Relationship Father

Next of Kin Address Pleasant Point South Canterbury

Roll Roll 62

Page Page 30

Occupation Farmer


Initials: J

Nationality: New Zealand

Rank: Private

Regiment: Canterbury Regiment, N.Z.E.F.

Unit Text: 3rd Bn.

Age: 21

Date of Death: 04/10/1917

Service No: 44981

Additional information: Son of John and Ellen Muir, of Pleasant Point, South Canterbury, New Zealand.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: XXVIII. H. 10.


Surname MUIR

Given Name John

Category Nominal Roll Vol. 3

Regimental Number 44981

Rank Private

Next of Kin Title Mrs E

Next of Kin Surname MUIR

Next of Kin Relationship Mother

Next of Kin Address Totara Valley Pleasant Point South Canterbury

Roll Roll 60

Page Page 5

Occupation Farm Labourer

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The 4th October corresponds to the successful contribution of the New Zealanders to the Battle of Broodseinde. The attack across a broad front caught the Germans attempting to form up for an attack of their own. The New Zealand Division captured 1159 prisoners, approximately 20% of the total number of Germans captured that day. The 3rd Canterbury Regiment (4th Brigade) participated on the right of the New Zealand front.


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Regards to the strange Coy numbering

In NZ, the 18 Territorial Regiments supplied companys to the Bns overseas. Hence the four Otago Battalions in France were as follows.

2nd Bde: 1st and 2nd Bns, Otago Regiment.

3rd Bde: 3rd Bn Otago Regiment

4th Bde: 4th Bn Otago Regiment

Each Battalion had four rifle coys that were as mentioned, supplied from four Territorial Regiments. Hence each Bn numbering went.

1st Coy (4th (Otago Rifles) Regiment)

2nd Coy (8th (Southland Rifles) Regiment)

3rd Coy (10th (North Otago Rifles) Regiment)

4th Coy (14th (South Otago Rifles) Regiment.)

Technicaly speaking, each Territorial Regiment could have fielded a Battalion, but as the war progressed, men were not neccesarily placed in units based on provincial affiliation.

The NZ Infantry formed 3, and for a short period, 4 Brigades when they deployed to the Western Front after being committed in Gallipoli. The theatre was, as mentioned, France.

Otago incidently, is basicaly the lower half of the South Island of NZ.

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The letter was written March 10th 1918...addressed to a Frank and signed Dave...

The names were mentioned in this letter, along with a Bill Hamilton, serg. in the 8th Coy 1st Batt. They also say that Bunny Davidson has been a nuaghty boy, he caught VD!


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In order to identify them, I would have to look at the actual Nominal Rolls, which give the regiments, but I won't be able to do this for a while.

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