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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

the twelve days of the somme


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Being very new to learning and being interested in ww1 i asked for this for my birthday and my great grandfather was in the somme.

This book i would highly suggest to anyone with loads or little interest in the war.

It is easy reading and grips you from the start. Someone's personaly account to the 12 days they experienced in the somme. He puts in so much detail you can almost picture it as if you was there.

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On the shelf, waiting for its turn to be read! Sounds good...


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This sounds interesting. Thank you for posting - I shall add it to my wish list and look forward to reading when I have the books I am reading at the moment finished.


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Just recently finished reading this book myself - a very vivid account indeed.

All the best


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Twelve days on the Somme by Sidney Rogerson is currently to be found in a few of the remaindered books specialists for about a fiver. I agree, it is well worth reading, and its a bargain at the current price level.


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Gotta put my library at work... they should be able to get it for me from Lille.

Thanks for the tip!!!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Arrived last week, courtesy of university library of Lille.

it's a great read, thanks for the tip !!

Sidney Rogerson manages to let us live his stint on the front line as if we were there, so vivid is his writing style. Absolutely marvellous!!

what is good is, as already pointed out in the introduction by Malcolm Brown, that we don't find the "classic" threads of WWI diaries: no hate, no futility ... just the description by a man who tries to take the best out of every moment, whatever the ghatsliness of the situation.


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You may like his memoir of May 1918 'The Last of The Ebb'. It does not have the same feel as 'Twelve Days' but is an interesting read all the same.

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I'll try to find it.


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