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Soldier's information please.


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Thanks to all Pals who have been of such help to me , regarding my Great Grandfather, Priv. Dixon Entwistle, 235464, Lancashire Fulsiliers, KIA Borry Farm, Ypres, 6 September 1917, 87 Years ago today!.

Last year at this time, I knew practically nothing about him, because of the kindness and knowledge of my fellow pals I now know so much more.

I do need some more help, however: :rolleyes:

1) finding out when he enlisted at Crawshawbooth

2)where did he train?

3) did he get leave to marry my Grt Grandmother, Emma Sunley Rowland? I don't know when they married.

4)I am trying to trace his mother, Susannah, nee Pilkington, 1st married name is Entwistle, husband and all of her children, except Dixon and sister Hilda, died in 1902 smallpox/typhoid? epidemic in Burnley.

She remarried a Mr Schofield, living in Crawshawbooth, Lancashire.

5) How can I find out when she died? and what became of her surving child, Hilda Mary Entwistle (born abt 1896, Hapton Lancs) ?

Tall order, I know.

Thanks Again to all my fellow pals for their help.

cheers Shelley (BC, Canada) :D

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OOooooops, I meant to say "surviving child" :huh: .

Please excuse any spelling or grammatical errors, I just woke up!

Any nuggets of information would be much appreciated!.

cheers Shelley :D

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Regarding searching for deaths - without detailed family information there is no other way than hard graft looking through the GRO indexes.

You will need to manually search the GRO Births, Marriages and Deaths indexes.

You can do this on-line at www.1837online.com

All B, M and D are listed by name, year, quarter, district, volume and page.

You can then order the certificates from GRO at Southport again on-line via their website: www.gro.gov.uk

All the best.


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Thank You for the information........ the hunt continues :ph34r: !

cheers Shelley :D

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Hi Shelley

Great news on uncovering him; hope you get more. Im doing excactly the same!!

Only a suggestion; tried local papers of the time in that area for enlistment info? (I appreciate youre in Canada, but dont know if u have a local contact???) The Beds paper of my relative had a 'Roll of Honour. Local men serving in the forces'. Ran one in August 1914 and another end of November. Assume November one was the 'end result' of the enlistments and tidied up any loose ends.

I agree with Kevin re the 1837 on line; used the service myself and its really helpful.


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I appreciate your response, and I wish you all the best in your search.

Does anyone know how I can find his date of enlistment, and where he trained?

This is fascinating indeed!

cheers Shelley :D

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