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2/Lt G. A. M. T. Johnson, 1/19th Ldn Rgt

Hugh Pattenden

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Having received much extremely useful advice with regard to 2/Lt Hutt, and indeed several great leads, I'm appealing with regard to:

Second Lieutenant George Arthur Moxey Tuker Johnson, 1/19th Battalion, The London Regiment (T.F.) (St. Pancras).

He died at Ypres on 19th May 1917 aged 20 and is commmorated on the Menin Gate.

I've tried CWGC, local newspapers, regimental records and school archives.

Does anyone have any ideas/info? If so, I should be extremely grateful.



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I always work on the principle that two first names are officer material but those with three or more are someone.

Sometimes in these cases the major newspapers are worth checking as they can generally be found to be indexed.


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Thanks Fred. I'll have a look at The Times, although i think the situation has arisen since he was 'Missing' for a long time before he was declaes dead.

Incidently, I have 3 forenames.



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Three forename eh :unsure:

I doff my hat to you - are you of royal extraction by any chance? ;)

(Best I got in my family was a Sir and a Laird)



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How is this? From my 19th London database:

2/Lt George Arthur Moxey Tuker JOHNSON

enlisted 05/11/14 as Pte 3491 in London Scottish (14th)

(nb medical exam on 6/10/14)

age: 17 years 6mths at enlistment

height: 6' 0" chest: 36" at max

weight: 10st 13lb

did not serve overseas with 14th Londons

signed Imperial Service Obligation 24 Feb 1915

transferred to Inns of Court OTC as Pte 3336 from 20/4/15 to 5/11/15

served in '4' Company

promoted L/Cpl 24/7/1915

commissioned 19th London (19th) 06/11/15

served w 2/19th Londons

then attd 2nd KO Yorks LI in France (starting date unknown, then until sent to UK on leave 13/1/1917 - fell ill w dysentery whilst on leave)

then posted 3/19th in England from 24/2/1917 for one month whilst on sick leave

then back to France w 2/6th London Regt until

K in A 21/05/17

WM Roll gives death accepted - service record states this became official on 19/2/18

C of E

father was Dr George Arthur Johnson of 58, St Andrew's St, Cambridge

educated at The Perse School and served in the school OTC


19th London Regt Roll of Honour (1923 Q2)

19th London BW&VM Roll - Offrs p. 113

14th London BW&VM Roll - ORs commissioned

service record in the PRO (Ref WO 374/37670)

Inns of Court OTC During The Great War p. 218

I havent done any more than this, but do have 400 officers to look at. I'm sure that you would be able to get something from the Perse.


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Does anyone know where the archives of the 1/19th and 2/6th Battalions, The London Regiment (T.F.) are kept?


I cant help you with the 6th Londons. The 19th Londons do not have a surviving archive that I or the Old Comrades Association have been able to trace. The collection of material that I have gathered over the last 15 years is about the closest thing to it.

What is your interest in Johnson? Do you have any additional info on him? I would love to get hold of a photo.


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My interest in G. A. M. T. Johnson is that I'm doing a project on the war dead of The Perse, which, as you noted above, he attended.

I am afraid that I know no more of him than you do: I have searched local newspapers and school magazines without finding either an obituary or a photograph. I assume this is as he was posted as missing for a long time.

I wonder if the 2/6th Battalion War Diary might shed some light on how he died.



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Hugh - I'll keep a look out for any more information about him. It seems fairly unusual for a school like the Perse to have so little trace of one of its own war dead, other than - presumably - his name on the school war memorial.

I'm sorry that I didn't take any digital photos of his papers when I viewed his file, though with 400 19th officers to find I am finding it quicker to note just the info I need. His file has had a certain amount of weeding, though his enlistment documents and I think his commission application were there. Worth looking at if you haven't seen it.

I checked the 2/19th War Diary - he is not mentioned by name in it. The 2/19th were in the UK until 23 June 1916, and he is mentioned in the UK or France sections of it. Neither is he mentioned in the 2/19th history. He may not have spent much time (if any) with the 2/19th before ending up with 2 KOYLI.

I note that you have him down as serving with the 1/19th. I am fairly certain that didn't actually serve in France with them (although his commission was with the 19th). To be more sure, I have checked the 1/19th War Diary, and he does not appear in it on or around the date that he went missing.

As he spent no time with either bn of the 19th overseas, he does unfortunately seem to have almost disappeared view in the records of the 19th in the PRO. I think you are right, the 2/6th War Diary (58 Div) is probably your best bet. It might also be worth checking 2 KOYLI's too.

Good luck!

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Having just looked at the school magazine, it seems that it was only in 1919 that a note was made that Johnson was killed, hence no obituary or photograph. He was unusual: many Old Perseans who died had both obituaries and photos. The school even has a cricket pavilion dedicated to one of them!

I can tell you this of him though: He was to have gone up to Trinity College, Cambridge in 1914, but never actually matriculated, enlisting instead. Whilst at the school, he won North House and 2nd XV Rugby Colours.

I got to the 1/19th Battalion, as the CWGC online register has originally said 1/9th Battalion and I had gone to the Menin Gate to look for his name. Not finding it, I wrote to the CWGC who told me they had made a mistake and that he was with the 1/19th Battalion.

It seems, as you say, the next thing to do is to find a copy of the 2/6th London's War Diary...


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