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Appeal to save painting - Naval Officers of World War One


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The National Portrait Gallery has launched a £20K appeal to allow restoration of the 1921 painting 'Naval Officers of World War One' by Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, Click

(A 'static' version is available Here)

The print version of today's Daily Telegraph (28/3/13) included the picture giving the officers' names (left to right):

Sir William Edmund Goodenough
(1867-1945), Admiral.
Sir Robert Keith Arbuthnot, 4th Bt
(1864-1916), Rear-Admiral.
Sir Montague Edward Browning
(1863-1947), Admiral.
Sir Christopher Craddock
(1862-1914), Admiral.
Sir Horace Hood
(1870-1916), Rear-Admiral.
Sir John Michael de Robeck, Bt
(1862-1928), Admiral of the Fleet.
Sir William Packenham
(1861-1933), Admiral.
Sir Reginald Yorke Tyrwhitt
, 1st Bt (1870-1951), Admiral.
Roger John Brownlow Keyes
, 1st Baron Keyes (1872-1945),
Sir Cecil Burney
, 1st Bt (1858-1929), Admiral of the Fleet.
David Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty
(1871-1936), Admiral.
Sir Trevelyan Napier
(1867-1920), Vice-Admiral.
Louis Alexander Mountbatten, Marquess of Milford Haven (Prince Louis of Battenburg)
(1854-1921), Admiral of the Fleet.
Sir Hugh Evan-Thomas
(1862-1928), Admiral.
Sir Frederick Sturdee
, 1st Bt (1859-1925), Admiral.
Sir Arthur Cavenagh Leveson
(1868-1929), Admiral.
Sir Charles Edward Madden, 1st Bt
(1862-1935), Admiral.
John Rushworth Jellicoe, 1st Earl Jellicoe
(1859-1935), Admiral.
Rosslyn Erskine Wemyss, Baron Wester Wemyss
(1864-1933), Admiral of the Fleet.


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  • 1 month later...

Thanks for highlighting this picture Nigel. I have been looking for paintings relating to the Great War at Sea so pleased to find this. Hope that some generous benefactor will come forward and pay for restoration work. But with tough economic times and so many projects needing support, I can imagine that raising the necessary 20k might not be easy.

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The fact that a ) they've got the title of the painting wrong* and b ) apparently have taken over 40 years to decide to do something about the degeneration of the painting suggests to me that the NPG aren't fit to possess it.


*"Some Sea Officers of the Great War" is the title.

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Agreed Simon. I'm sure the gallery have a restoration and cleaning budget, and clearly this painting was not considered to be worthy of a higher place in the queue. Now with the centenary approaching someone there had the bright idea of putting out the begging bowl. That seems pretty cynical to me; of course they may be letting hundreds, or even thousands of paintings rot in the cellar as long as they get their new wing redecorated.

Either way, lets hope this painting is preserved.


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According to the National Portrait Gallery website, the painting is actually part of a group of three entitled Naval Officers of World War One. Presumably, that is why the title was used. Given restricted budgets over many years, coupled with financial hard times, prioritisation must be difficult and of course there is much more to art than the depiction of WW1 naval officers. And why is it cynical to use the anniversary of the outbreak of the war as a marketing tool to raise funds for the restoration, for me it is a jolly good idea. After all, there are plenty of people scurrying about getting their books published on the back on the same anniversary.

Here is the link to the NPG website: http://tinyurl.com/d75uhz5


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Quite apart from the contemporary references to the alternative title when the painting was first exhibited, it beggars belief that Cope or the NPG would have been so forward thinking as to include "World War One" in the title of a painting made before there was a World War Two!!

For the record I have an A3 print of the painting from the NPG. Still need to get it framed after God knows how many years!


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Simon, that is what they have chosen to call the group, and It is an accurate description.. You just need the other two for the set now :-)

I know what you mean about framing, I have a set of ten cartoons by an established WWI artist, all of which are in need of the same. Ikea is looking like a good temporary solution.


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Accept it? B*gger that. Time to send off a letter asking why a perfectly good title has been changed. And also why they neglected the painting for so long.

I do like Guthrie's portrait of the Statesmen, but Sargent's of the Generals is just awful (which is sad because his other work is outstanding).


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  • 1 month later...

Somewhat irritated with the title I got in touch with the NPG. They'e just replied to admit that since they accepted the painting that they've given it all number of names and provided a list!

1928 Naval Officers of the Great War

1948 Naval Officers of the First World War

1973 Sea Officers of the War of 1914-18

1993 Admirals of the First World War

2004 Naval Officers of World War I

The initials FFS come to mind.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest exuser1

I recall a similar painting on display at the Maritime Museum back in the 1960s , was this later moved or a copy?

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  • 10 months later...

Thanks for updating us NigelS, Pleased that appeal seems to have worked. Regards

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The painting served as a backdrop to a picture in the Times yesterday featuring two ballet dancers publicising a Great War themed dance piece


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That's the one Nigel. I'd thrown the paper and couldn't recall the title until you said


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Wish I could have got to that! Any news on another performance?

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