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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Horton {co of London}War Hospital Epsom


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A very detailed book conerning the activities of this Hospital which admitted approx 44,600 patients,mainly Canadian casualties

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Is this the book you are relating to?

The Story Of Horton War Hospital: Epsom written by Lt. Col. J.R. Lord

if so, it is an extraordinary account of the history of the war through the eyes of a remarkable man. I used it for one of the references for my book (still available for iPad on the iBooks website). I've only ever seen it at the Australian War Memorial research centre although I'm sure it must be available in many libraries somewhere.


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The house I currently live in is built in the grounds of the former Horton Hospital. It was mostly demolished in the late 90s and precious little of the original 1600 bed hospital complex remains apart from a couple of ward "villas", now converted into flats and the impressive chapel building- listed, unused and quietly deteriorating.

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