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Lincs TF expert needed


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Pals, I have a friend who is son of the above, and scarcely knew his dad who died in my friend's childhood. Family legend is that James Haw enlisted in 1914. He was aged 19. I have James's 'British Regiments' and can also look up the Battalion WD at NA when next I go. Is there a 2/5 history?

But can Pals add anything, or point me in the right direction to fill out the James Haw story, please?

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Hi langley

The pal to ask is Steve Bramley, who i have alerted to this posting, but from memory the 2/5th Lincs dont have a seperate history (The 1/5th do by Col Sandall). The Regt History by Simpson is based on the war diarys so you are probably best going to the diary direct. However given his number i would doubt he enlisted in 1914, more likely the spring/summer of 1915. For definate number 4447 Pte Arthur Chant enlisted on 13th Oct 1915, Stev can probably get you closer but i can remeber Chants date because it coincides with the black day for the 1/5th at Hohenzollern. I wonder if he had waited a few weeks and seen the casulties in the local paper if he would have been so keen.

Hope of use


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Me again.

you probably know the following but some general info:

the 5th Lincs were recruited primarily in the North of the county, Grimsby, Scunthorpe, Gainsborough and Barton being the main towns of recruitment. The 4th lincs were the TF for the south of the county.

Do you know where your man came from?


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Hi Langley, Chris,

Sorry I can't add anything at the moment to what Chris has said. I'm a little pushed for time so will get back in the next couple of days or so.

I've just got a funny feeling that this man was from South Lincolnshire and possibly originally 4th Bn, not sure why yet, needs investigating!! Chris, will contact you about this off forum.

Grimsby News 11.06.15

Major Crosby writes:-

‘The position with regard to the 5th Lincolns is as follows: The 1/5th Battalion turned over its Home Service men to the 2/5th battalion and its ranks were filled up with the recruits enlisted in August and September. The 2/5th Battalion therefore has a large proportion of Home Service men who are now being detached so its ranks may be filled up with foreign service men, of whom about 400 are required. The 3/5th Battalion (Now about 350 strong) has to fulfill the special function of supplying drafts to the 1/5th and 2/5th Battalions.

The total number of recruits required to bring the 2/5th Battalion up to full strength for Foreign Service Battalion, and to bring the 3/5th Battalion up to its authorized establishment is about 1000.

Meetings are just about played out but Cleethorpes Urban District Council is arranging two meetings to be held at the Pier Pavilion on Thursday next, the 17th inst. As to which particulars will shortly be advertised.

The object of the addresses, which have been delivered at places of entertainment from time to time have been not so much to touch the consciences of those young men who happen to be present, but who ought to be in training for the front, as to induce those present who listen to the addresses to use all their influence with young men of their acquaintance, to come forward in defence of their country.

The 2/5th Battalion or a detachment of it, together with their band, will march through a portion of North Lincolnshire for recruiting purposes during the week commencing Saturday June 12th'



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Thanks for replies so far. It is highly likely my man was S Lincs, about as south as you can get, Market Deeping area, but I can check with Mr Haw junior and will do so.


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Hello David,

Just a quickie, could you ask your friend if his father had any brothers or relations serving in the Lincolns,


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If Mr Haw was 4th Lincs I would put his enlistment in the spring of 1915. I don't have him in my fledging 4th battalion database but with the many gaps that's not saying too much.

Charles W Haw, wasn't a relation by any chance?

May want to point your friend in the direction of Stamford library. They hold archive copies of the Lincoln, Stamford and Rutland Mercury. Market Deeping is covered during the war years although not in much detail.


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Saw Jim junior last night. His father was living in Mablethorpe when he enlisted. Uncertain when he enlisted. He had no brothers. The number given is that engraved on the medals.

Any help?

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A quick breakdown from SD for Lincolnshire Regt men enlisting at Mablethorpe gives 5 men serving with the 10th battalion, 3 men with the 7th and two 4th batt men. 4th lads are 1916 entrants.

There is also a Charles Haw, born and residing Mablethorpe, KIA with the first Lincs.


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  • 4 weeks later...


Friend Jim Haw junior, prompted by this thread, has elicited that Charles Haw 1/Lincs was indeed his father's elder brother.

Can we deduce anything from his regimental number, 21269? For example, if he were RWF I could say within a week or two when he enlisted. I could also say he was NOT SR or TF.

So, what do the Lincs experts have to say, please?

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I would put Charles' enlistment as sometime in either the last quarter 1915 or first quarter 1916. More likey around new years 1916. Unfortunately I can't be more accurate, although perhaps Steve Bramley or Chris Bailey might have some more definite ideas.

Charles wouldn't have been either SR or TF.


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Hi David

Had a quick look in my notes for you. Cannot add much to what Jim has said but can get the enlistment date a bit nearer; i would put it in Feb 1916. The nearest soldier i have details on is Pte 21246 Thomas George Harpham, who joined the Lincolns on Feb 11th 1916, so i would put C Haw not long after that


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I came across your posts by accident whilst trying to trace the movements of my great-great-uncle who I believe died at either Arras or on the Somme. He served in B-Coy 8th Lincs, I was wondering if any of you could shed any light over the movements of this unit and where, perhaps I could gain access to the war diaries?

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Hi, sure we can help, but do you have a name for your great great uncle, which will help us to help you. War Diaries can be found via The Museum of Lincolnshire Life, on Burton road in Lincoln


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Thanks for the reply. My Uncle's name was Pte Walter E Walker and he served with B-Coy 8 Lincs. We have a letter he wrote confirming some of what I have read from a history of 10th Lincs; he speaks of marching past Kitchener and the King ending up at Sunning Vale (I think that name is right). I have checked the online records of the Graves Commisssion but he is not listed, would it therefore be fair to assume he is still missing?

Anymore help would be very much appreciated as these are my first steps into this kind of research.

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Hi Steiner

Lets see if we can help. If you are sure Pte Walker was killed in the War, he will almost certainly be listed in the CWGC database, but it is possible he has had his name misspelt, is listed under his middle name etc. Even those soldiers originally posted as missing are remembered by the CWGC. I will check Soldiers Died CD for you tonight and see if that can find him. Do you know which town/area he was from?

The Medal Index Cards from the Public Record Office are now on line and these may be of use, although surnames beginning with the letter W will not be available to view for another month or so.

The BAttalion War Diary is unlikely to mention him by name, but if we can find his name on the CWGC or SD this will give you the location and action in which he was killed.

Will look at SD later for you and get back to you


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Hi Steiner

Well i have drawn somewhat of a blank, there is only one Walter Walker listed as killed whilst with the Lincs Regt, and he is 13242 Walter Walker of the 6th Lincs killed on 18/9/16. He could have been transferred from the 8th Lincs to the 6th, but you will need to look at either his Medal Roll or his service papers (if survived) at the PRO to find this out.

The other possibility is 95333 Walter Walker of the 2/2nd Londons, who is listed as formerly 1967 of the Lincs Regt. This man also won a DCM. The number 1967 could relate to a Lincs man who joined the 11th Lincs (Grimsby Chums Reserve) and was then part of a draft who went to the 8th Lincs following their losses in late 1915, but again you will need his papers or medal roll.

Does the letter you have contain any more clues, or do you have his medals. If you have his medals his name should be on the rim of his Victory and War Medal along with his Regimental number, and this will help confirm his military identity.


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Thanks for the research. I am awaiting a reply from my mother who has the letter, this contains his regimental number so should be a bit more helpful. All we have is this letter and a handful of photos, however his reasons for being in the Lincolns is a bit of a mystery as we have no family links to the area. What we do know is that he attended Dulwich College in London, so the Londons would seem a natural choice. Also he and his family were actually German and he was alleged to have written about fighting his cousins, although no evidence remains of this.

I have tried to trace his medal roll but they have not got round to listing up to W yet. I thank you once again for all your help, it is much appreciated. I am keen to trace this man who left no family and otherwise would be forgotten as an individual.

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The london connection helps i think, i am sure SDGW showed 13242 Walter Walker of the 6th Lincs to have enlisted at or resided in London, although i dont have it in front of me to double check at the moment. If this is your man my guess as to what happened is that he was originally in the 8th Lincs, but would have been wounded probably in late 1915 at Loos, and been part of a draft of men sent out to the 6th Lincs when they went to France in 1916 following their losses at Gallipoli. It's only my guess, so probably wrong, but once you have the Regt number it will determine a bit more.

Just to clarify for you the Medal Index Cards and Medal Rolls are two different sources. The Medal Index Card is the one available online, which is still waiting for W surnames to be made available. This will give basic details, plus gives the date of arrival in an area of conflict for those entitled to a 14/15 Star as well as reference numbers for his entry on the Medal Rolls. The Medal Roll, which is only available at the PRO will give a bit more detail, such as transfers between BAttalions.

Anyway let us know when you get confirmation of his number.


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Sorry LB, I am new to this and didn't realise..luckily Chris has now helped me trace my uncle so I won't be hijacking again...my apologies once again

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