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The 2nd Battalion Lancs Fus on the front foot.

All records through PRO WO 95/ 1507 subject to usual conditions

8th September LA HAUTE MASION proceeded via PIERRE LEVEE through VOUARE day passed without incident to the Bn (?).

9th September Small village 1 mile SE of LA FERTE’ seized high ground at TARTARE at 7 am in-conjunction with 10th Brigade. Proceeded to cross R. MARNE below Chamigry with Essex Regt. Occupied high ground N of Chamigy before dusk, killed 2 captured 6 German. Two men slightly wounded by own shrapnel.

10th CHAMIGNY Remained in position to midday to cover crossing of the remainder of Division over R. MARNE. In afternoon proceeded to VAUX when brigade was outpost to the division. No incident

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A hand written account

All records through PRO WO 95/ 1507 subject to usual conditions

The Crossing of the Marne

The next important event in which the Battalion took part in the advance, was crossing of the MARNE.

Steep banks lead down on the western side to this swiftly flowing broad river, a flat open plain about 1000 yards across with a high ridge beyond it and the main road to PARIS at the back made it look a formidable undertaking.

Luckily the Germans had become demoralised in their retreat and careful leading enabled the crossing to be affected with a total loss of 2 wounded Essex regiment.

A party with machine guns work down unseen through the woods to about 200 yards from the lock gates and lay low; two parties went about 400 yards up and down stream respectively and at a given moment all tree parties opened fire on the German force. The sudden burst of enfilade fire from both flanks had the desired effect and they fled precipitately.

The Battalion crossed the river ,man by man over the lock gates and extending on the opposite bank pushed forward through the village of (Blank space) to the heights beyond without loss; a few Uhlans (?) retiring were fired on, and one killed and three wounded and 6 prisoners taken.

Unfortunately a section of our artillery opened fire on us at dusk wounding 2 men and Killing one German prisoner.

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