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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Pte John O'Connor 1/6 Bn King's (Liverpool) Reg


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John Connor, a native of Liverpool, enlisted in Bootle in Dec 1915/Jan 1916 as No 41915 and was initially posted to 12 Bn Liverpool Regt (KLR). He was subsequently posted to 1/8 (KLR) and finally to 1/6 KLR (Liverpool Rifles). On 4/5 September 1918 he was wounded in action (gas) and admitted to 1/3 West Lancs Field Ambulance but was transferred immediately to 6 Casualty Clearing Station for treatment. He was to die of his wounds (gas) on 8 September 1918 at 54 General Hospital and now lies in Terlincthun British Cemetery Plot III Row C Grave 45. The War Diary for 1/6 KLR records that on 5 September 1918 the Bn was relieved from a stint in the trenches at Festubert and that the casualties were 1 other rank killed and 3 wounded. Unfortunately no personal information is known about Pte Connor.


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