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Curios Concert Party, St Leger, 17 June 1916

E Wilcock

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A question for Kate, I think.

We are transcribing the diary kept by the Olympic hockey player Reginald Pridmore while serving in the Royal Field Artillery. In 1916 following the artillery reorganisation he and his battery were serving in the 241 Brigade.

Pridmore played the piano and was in demand as an accompanist.

On 17 June 1916 he recorded.

Went down to St Leger to play accompaniments for Basil Hallam at "Curios" concert. After dined with K.B.S. at Couin. Bunny [?] Jones was running the concert, which was quite good.

I have a full note for Basil Hallam, but wonder if anyone can identify Bunny Jones? Or tell me about the Curios?

On Monday Jan 24 1916, Pridmore wrote

Went over to see the “Curios” at Bus in the evening. They are very good and will soon equal the “Follies”.

I would be grateful for your help, Kate - I may have other references yet to come.

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According to this topic - http://1914-1918.inv...owtopic=3663 the Curios were the concert party for 48th Division.

Pridmore may have been referring to the Follies with regards to the 4th Division concert party or another show in Paris.

Bunny is generally the nickname to go with the surname Warren - so as a guess Warren Jones or possible someone Warren-Jones? General O'Connor from the Second World War had the nickname of BUnny in The Great War though his first first name was Robert.

Not much help I fear.

Kind regards


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Hello Evelyn.

What a sad tale. Captain Basil Hallam Radford would be dead by 20th August 1916, having jumped from his kite balloon near Couin, his parachute failing to open. Everyone would have known him as Gilbert the Filbert, a household name, the suave man-about-town from the West End halls.

I did not know Hallam Radford performed with the Curios, who were, as Colin says, 48th Division's concert party. I do however have a programme showing him as having performed with the forerunner of 21st Div's concert party. It is easy to imagine he would have been inundated with requests to do a turn, so thankyou for this, as it may suggest he restricted his appearances as duty allowed to invitations as guest artiste with the big divisional shows.

"Went over to see the “Curios” at Bus in the evening. They are very good and will soon equal the “Follies”.

Do you know which divisions were nearby at the time? I ask because I have 14 concert parties whose name was or included 'Follies', six of whom were divisional parties. Again, as Colin says, the 4th are likeliest given this was January 1916 and their reputation was riding high, not least becase they were first in the field, but also for quality. From memory, the 5th Gloster Gazette records the idea to form their own 48th divisional troupe was discussed on returning from a Follies or 6th Div Fancies show.

I only have four names for the Curios, so I will add Pridmore and Jones. Jones may well have been the Curios business manager, as, being a military unit, it needed an officer in charge to arrange venues, transport, permissions from O/Cs, bank the takings etc etc.

By the way, 241's sister brigade 240 also had a concert party, called The Beetles. Pity they didn't copyright the name!

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Many apologies - I havent managed yet to set up the notifications from this Forum and have only just seen your very helpful reply.

I am glad to have Pridmore added to your lists and will be glad to send you any info about him - but he was very much an officer who happened to be able to play the piano. His mind was on the horses and guns. I never thought of him in the context of organised entertainment.

When Basil Hallam was killed, there was another officer in the balloon with him - whose parachute did open. I wonder whether you know who that was?

Pridmore frequently visited the Kite Balloon Section and he and I assume other officers were sometimes taken up for a ride. Rather hazardous one might think.

May be I should ask on a new thread whether there is any war diary? I havent got very far with the KBS, but Hallam aka Radford was definitely a proper member there. My gunners were fascinated by the flying and some transferred to the Royal Flying Corps.

Thank you so much.


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My husband has now joined me in thanking you. He is more expert than me and is sorry he doesnt know which Divisions - apart from 48th which was "our" Division.

I havent read the Gloucester Gazette. Nor the history of the regiment.

I am very appreciative of you and others on this forum who are First World war specialists.

We are attempting to put on line the 243 Brigade RFA material I inherited, and felt a duty to Pridmore, and my grandfather's other friends.

But I am trying not to be too tempted to widen the topic as I have non-FWW historical research waiting to be written up.

And the real knowledge of the FWW lies with you and your colleagues on this forum.

Thank you again,


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Just because I had it, as an extra bit of 'colour', attached are a couple of photos of a large German shell that a George F Worboys (Yorks & Lancs Reg, killed April 1918) decorated for the YMCA hut at St Leger, presumably where Basil Hallam and your chap performed!

Anyway, good luck in your research.




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There may be a unit War Diary for No 1 Army Kite Balloon Section RFC at the National Archives. If so there might well be an entry for the day of Basil's death which might show his more fortunate colleague's name.

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