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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cyril G Holgate / Liverpool Reg / 26th Btn

Guest rinky

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Hello, found your site from a link on the Diggers.be site, my grandfather Cyril G Holgate was at The Somme & Passendale in the Liverpool Regiment. Myself and my father are both seeking informaiton as to what his Batallion were doing during 1916 onwards.

From talks with my uncle when he was alive we can determin that in 1916 he was in the Liverpool Regiment / 26th Batallion.

He inlisted before his 18th birthday however in 1914 or 1915, but the only official info we can find is after his 18th from 1916 on.

Anyway, I hope to learn a little something about The Somme & Passendale / Ypres in general by being here.

I am 29 years old, now living in Arizona USA. I was born in Bristol UK and the Holgate family come from the Yorkshire area of the UK. I have found information on other sites about several Holgates from the Yorkshire area who died in WWI, we haven't worked on the Geneology yet tho to figure out if they were related.

Roger Holgate

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Rinky - excellent place to start for movement of regiments/battalions etc is 'The long, Long Trail' - look up at top left of screen and the luink is right under Great War Forum.

Go to units of the army and navigate from there .. should be useful.

Best of luck and ..

Best wishes


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Very little information on there about Liverpool Regiment 26th Batallion. I'm unable to even find information as to if that Batallion was even at The Somme, so maybe we have the Batallion wrong or something.

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Firstly welcome to the forum. British Regiments 1914-1918 says the following on the 26th:

26th Battalion, T.F.

On 1/1/17 44th Provisional Battalion in 218th Brigade 73rd Division moving to Kelevedon, Essex became 26th Battalion. This battalion had been formed in 1915 with Home Service personnel of T.F battalions. The 73rd Division was broken up early in 1918 and the battalion was disbanded at Kelvedon on 29/3/18.

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I now have some more information from his Misconduct record.

Felix Hall Camp, Kelvedon

12/8/17 Conduct prejudice of good order military discipline i.e shirking a fatigue witness Cpr Geary 3 days C.B

6/9/17 Irregular Conduct on Parade witness R.S.M Lee 7 days C.B

Plus some information about a Compulary transfer:

Compulsorily Transferred to R.A.S.C 7/10/19 Auth:- MPC/44942 as of 8/10/19 signed G Hall Capt RKL O.C .24 L of C S Coy

I also uploaded a couple of photos:

Cyril G Holgate

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Quite possibly.

Hopefully I'll somehow be able to find that out. Is there any way to obtain that information from his Service Number '406113 Liverpool Regiment' ??

In the 2nd World War he ended up as a Sg Major in the Engineers, but didn't fight overseas. So I guess he made up a little for his misconduct record! lol.

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Thank You Chris, glad that could be verified.

So now I need to know about the 26th's movements, which unfortunately don't seem to be very heavily documented. We know he was at Ypres at some point, but again - no dates or anything.

But at least I now have something verified to work with. in 1917 he was 19 years old, so that would explain why maybe before that he wasn't sent overseas.

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Well that sure throws the cat among the pidgeons then!

Chris, can his Army Service Corps Service number be dated in the same was as his Liverpool Regiment number was?

Cyril G Holgate - Army Service Corps S/460286

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This might be a shot in the dark-but, is this possibly your grandfather

and family?


(from the 1891 census):

Holgate, Alice Ann 34 Chatburn, Lancashire Wife Grindleton Yorkshire

Holgate, Cyril 2 Grindleton, Yorkshire Son Grindleton Yorkshire

Holgate, Ivy 7.12 Grindleton, Yorkshire Daughter Grindleton Yorkshire

Holgate, Janet 7 Grindleton, Yorkshire Daughter Grindleton Yorkshire

Holgate, John H 32 Sawley, Yorkshire Head Grindleton Yorkshire

Holgate, Joseph 16 Sawley, Yorkshire Brother Grindleton Yorkshire

Holgate, Peter 4 Grindleton, Yorkshire Son Grindleton Yorkshire

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Thank You Gord,

Quite possibly his family, but as for being him. In 1891 he wasn't born yet. He was born in 1899 so I am deffinately interested in the 1901 Census information. I know he is listed in the 1901 Census, I just haven't forked out the £5.00 for the 48 hour pass to lookup his info yet. I think my Father has the 1901 Census information, not sure if he has the 1891 info, so thank you for that.

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You're more than welcome!


here's from the 1901(one of these):

Name Age Where

Born Administrative

County Civil Parish Occupation

Cyril Holgate 1 Yorks Scarborough Yorkshire Scarborough

Cyril Holgate 3 Yorks Leeds Yorkshire Headingley Cum Burley

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Strange coincidence and a bit off topic - my father, Frank Howard, born in Liverpool in 1910, had a mate called Cyril Holgate at Liverpool University in the late 20s. They were in the university swimming team together, in fact, I think Cyril was Capt when Dad joined.

Could it be a cousin?


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