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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Two swiss daily newspapers release 275 years of archives (photos, arti


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You can consult the daily editions of L'Express and L'Impartial on this website : http://www.lexpressarchives.ch. The archive contains the publications from October 1738 to today. All four years of the great war are accessible and perhaps some of these publications might help in the research of events happening near the borders of Switzerland during the great war. They do provide a vivid account (in french, of course), of the unfolding of the war from an outside perspective, but with lots of anecdotes and stories. I'm available to help with any translation, if needed. I do think they're interesting to peruse because they catch the spirit and mood of the times, as the war goes on and on.

An example, article from the front page of sept. 14 1914.

Approximate translation in english of the paragraph about the english volunteers :

The English population shows increasing enthusiasm in entering the new army of Lord Kitchener. Nearly 300,000 people have already reported in, of which 42 000 came from London. Members of the aristocratic circles of West End enlisted in the 11th Battalion Royal Fusiliers and go to camp, next week, in Colchester. In Glasgow, 10,000 people have already signed up. Leeds, under the auspices of the Lord Mayor, will form a battalion of 1,200 men. More than 2000 men were recruited in one week for the orchestra Cheshire Regiment. The coal miners of West Riding enlisted to form a battalion of minors. Young volunteers from Ulster, a chosen body of 800 young people, have decided to enroll in the body. Today will open a camp for the body of Alumni large public schools and by the end of the week it is estimated that it will include at least 2,000 men.

(French text : La population anglaise montre de plus en plus d’enthousiasme pour entrer dans la nouvelle armée de Lord Kitchener. Près de 300 000 hommes se sont déjà présentés, dont 42 000 fournis par Londres. Les membres des cercles aristocratiques du West-End s’enrôlent dans le 11e bataillon des fusiliers royaux et vont camper, la semaine prochaine, à Colchester. À Glasgow, 10 000 hommes se sont déjà enrôlés. Leeds, sous les auspices de son lord-maire, va former un bataillon de 1200 hommes. Plus de 2000 hommes ont été recrutés en une seule semaine à Chestre pour le régiment du Cheschire. Les houilleurs de West-Riding s’enrôlent pour former un bataillon de mineurs. Les jeunes volontaires de l’Ulster, un corps choisi de 800 jeunes gens ont décidé de s’enrôler en corps. Aujourd’hui sera ouvert un camp pour le corps des Anciens élèves des grandes écoles publiques et l’on estime qu’à la fin de la semaine il comptera au moins 2000 hommes. )

Pictures... After searching for "Highlanders" (You can search the archives with keywords)

Article about the adlershot camp and festivities of the new year

War bulletins (Belgian and French)

Some other pictures from the front

And more

Here too

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Thank you, Griffner.

Interesting to have another viewpoint.


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Thanks for posting. The Highlanders photo is a famous one of a mock charge by the A & SH, the man in the middle being John Currie Lauder, son of Harry.


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