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13th Bn Rifle Brigade


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Hello all,

I have the War Record of the 13th (Service) Bn. Rifle Brigade from 1915 - 1919.

The 13th Bn along with the rest of the units from the 111th Bde. were attached to the 34th Div. due to their heavy losses. I also have details from the 34th Divisional History outlining this.

What I don't have in abundance, is their involvement on attchment with the 63rd (Royal Naval) Div.

Quoted from the War Record of 1916:

10 September - Marched to Fosse.

On the 11th marched to Calonne and took over defences of Cite Calonne being attached to 63rd (Royal Naval) Division..................................

They are still attached throughout the remainder of September, the whole of October and in November:

On the 13th the Battalion advanced to Divisional Headquarters, 63rd (Royal Naval) Division just south of Englebelmer and placed at disposal of 63rd R.N. Division.

Reading through the remainder of the record for 1916, 1917 and up until 22 August 1918, the battalion appears to be STILL attached to the 63 R.N. Division. I quote from the War Record for this date:

22 August. - At 4.50 a.m. the Battalion advanced in a dense mist for some 2,000 yards and reached its objective east of the village.

The 63rd Division now passed through the line and captured Longeast wood but was held up at Achiet-le-Grand until nightfall, the enemy being very strongly posted along the line of the railway embankment.

In fact for the remainder of the war, there is no reference to the 13th Bn Rifle Brigade returning to the 111th Bde. or being part of 37th Div. There is reference to the Bn. relieveing another Bde/Div. in September 1918, but was this with the 63rd or 37th Divs.? I quote:

On the 22nd moved to Pys area, and on the 29th to the vicinity of Villers au Flos, and next day relieved the 95th Infantry Brigade, 5th Division, north east of Gonnelieu.

If anyone can be of assistance in clarifying where the 13th Bn Rifle Brigade was and who they indeed were attached to throughout the war, It would be hugley appreciated. Also, if anyone would like copies of the War Record and the copy of the Bn's attachment to the 34th Div., I would be more than willing to forward.

Thank you,

Nick (Ted)

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In the Battle of Albert the 37th Div attacked on the 21st August with the 111th Brigade and the 5th Div on its right, the 63rd Div being in close support. The following day the 112th Brigade took over the front and later that day the 63rd Div passed through the 37th Div to attack Longeat Wood. I hope this is of some help to you.



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From "For the Duration" the story of the 13th Rifle Brigade

A thick mist hung over our line at zero hour on the morning of the 22st August 1918, forming a useful screen for our advance which started at 4.30am, and had for its objective the German trenches on the outskirts of Ablainzeville. Our fellows carried everything before them as they swept on to the enemy's position and captured it, happily with not a great number of casualties.

At zero plus fifty minutes, the 63rd(R.N) Division--old companions of ours in the battles of the Ancre and Arras---- passed over the scene of our success and proceeded to attack the enemy lines in Longeast Wood, intending then to go on to Achiet le Grand.

The story is not big on the divisions it was part of but will check through it for you.


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'The Long, Long Trail' has it that from April 1915, the 13th Rifles were part of the 111th Brigade of the 37th Division

Per Douglas Jerrold’s history of the RND during the Battle of the Ancre, the V Corps command placed the 111th Brigade at General Shute’s disposal [63rd RN Division] subject to prior ref to Corps staff as to its precise employment

At the end of the battle the 37th Division relieved the 63rd RND and I thought that the 13th Rifles reverted to them [the 37th Div] at that time?

I am open to correction on this, however Andy’s “At zero plus fifty minutes, the 63rd(R.N) Division--old companions of ours in the battles of the Ancre and Arras---- passed over the scene of our success” [similarly John’s post] seem to confirm that while there was a long relationship of working along side one another, the 13th Rifles were not in fact long term members of the 63rd RND


Michael D.R.

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