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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Officers Died

Tim Godden

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Hi There,

Does anyone have access to the Officers Died in the Great War?

Would it be possible to send me the list of 13th Royal Scots officers that died?

Many thanks,


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Hi Steve,

That was quick even by this forum's standards!!! :D

Thanks very much.

All the best,


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Hi Tim

I have tried to get hold of you by both e-mail via the forum and by pm so that I could have your e-mail address to forward the list to but no reply so here is the list :-

ADAMSON, Robert Thorburn Adamson Lt (TP) killed in action 23/04/1917

BROWN, David Douglas 2/LT (TP) killed 27/09/1915

BRUCE, Bethune Duncan Capt (TP) killed in action 27/09/1915

BUCHANAN, Fraser Campbell 2/LT (TP) killed in action 09/04/1917

COWIE, William 2/LT (TP) died of wounds 28/09/1916

CRABBE, John 2/LT (TP) died of wounds 06/05/1916

DAVIES, Gilbert Vere Faithful LT (TP) killed in action 23/04/1917

DOUGHTY, George 2/LT (TP) killed in action 20/11/1916 (Also RFC)

ELDER, James Capt killed in action 29/12/1917

FERGUSON, Ian Alexander Grant Capt (TP) killed in action 11/05/1916

FERGUSON, Leonard 2/LT (TP) died of wounds 20/07/1916

FORBES, Duncan 2/LT (TP) killed in action 28/03/1918

FRANCIS, Christopher Thomas Capt (TP) died of wounds 26/05/1916


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List Part 2

FULTON, Alexander 2/LT (TP) killed in action 19/08/1916

GELLATLY, Robert 2/LT killed in action 23/04/1917

GUTHRIE, Charles Wilford 2/LT killed in action 01/08/1917

HIGGINS, Hugh Stevenson 2/LT killed in action 28/03/1918

JARDINE, Charles Hunt LT (TP) killed in action 03/05/1918 (2/2 KAR)

KINCAID, James BrownLT (TP) killed in action 23/04/1917

LOGAN, John Hastie 2/LT (A/Capt), MC killed in action 01/08/1917

LOUDON, Robert LT (TP) killed in action 13/09/1918

MACDONALD, Andrew Moffat Capt (TP) killed in action 11/05/1916

MACKENZIE, Thomas Graham 2/LT (TP) died of wounds 31/08/1917

MACLEAN, Kemp 2/LT (TP) killed in action 28/03/1918

MACPHERSON, George Denis Major killed in action 27/09/1915

MARTIN, William Murdoch 2/LT killed in action 22/08/1917


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List Part 3

MCFARLANE, Ronald Aitchison LT killed in action 25/09/1915

MITCHELL, Jas Thomas Rankin T/Major (A/LT-Col) DSO died of wounds

01/04/1918 (Att A & SH)

MUNRO, Claud Bruce LT (TP) killed in action 27/09/1915

OGSTON, James 2/LT (TP) died of wounds 15/09/1916

PENNEY, Ian Campbell Capt (TP) killed in action 27/09/1915

RENWICK, Gideon Andrew Forrest 2/LT killed in action 22/08/1917

ROBERTSON, Gilbert Swale Capt (TP) killed in action 27/09/1915

SIM, Alexander Taylor 2/LT (TP) killed in action 12/05/1916

SMITH, Thomas 2/LT killed in action 16/05/1918

STELL, J 2/LT died 19/06/1918 (And RAF)

TOMLINSON, David Mitchell Major (TP) died of wounds 13/05/1916

WILSON, Andrew 2/LT killed in action 16/07/1918

YULE, Charles Whitehead Capt (TP) killed in action 11/05/1916



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Steve, I think you missed Lt R.C.A.Appleby dow 28/6/16 & 2/Lt J.H.Byres kia 27/8/17, both Royal Scots attached 13 Bn.

Of course, Tim, there may be officers of other regiments attached, but they would be listed under their respective regiments. Phil B

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I didn't find these two either :-

Lt-Col Harry MACLEAR DSO East Lancashire Regiment killed in action 15/03/1916 ATT 13 R/Scots

2/LT Andrew YOUNG 3rd Battalion Cameronians (Scottish Rifles) killed in action 27/12/1916 ATT 13/Royal Scots :ph34r:


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Steve - I was using the reprinted "Officers died in the Great War 1914-1919" by HMSO. There was no way I could have found those last two without trawling all the way through. What were you using? Phil B

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I'm using the CD and I searched just using ( Att 13 ) in the supplementary notes column then went through each hit (125) to see to which 13th Battalion they were attached.


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Hi Steve,

You are absolutely right. Appleby was the only other man killed the in the same raid as my Great Great Uncle Thomas Wilson.

Thanks guys for your help. Sorry my email did not get through to you Phil. Thank you for all your effort.

All the best,


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Hi Phil,

Could you tell me which regiment 2/Lt J.H.Byres kia 27/8/17 was attatched from?

Many thanks for your help.

With regards,


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