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RAMC numbering


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Having discovered a chap with a RAMC number of 512297 - I referred to to Jock's TFSG article on RAMC numbering and deduced that this number was allocated to the 3rd London Field Ambulance. X-reffing this to the RAMC field ambulance page it suggests that this was designated 1/3rd London and allocated to 28th Division for most of the war.

Could you please confirm whether this logic is correct (or not).



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I'm definitely not an expert on the RAMC but the 3rd London, like every other TF unit, would have formed a first, second and third line designated 1/3, 2/3 and 3/3.

I see from the site that the 2/3 served with 58 and 56 Divs. The third line would have remained in UK.

The block of numbers allocated to a TF unit was used to renumber all three lines, plus various other odds and sods. As far as I know, there is no set pattern for allocating numbers to the lines within the block - you would have to grind through the unit to look for the 'system'.

So, unless you have some additional information, it really isn't possible from the number alone to say a man was in 1/3 or 2/3 or 3/3. And you always have to remember the unit identity provided by a TF number is good for the day the man was renumbered - he could have moved to another RAMC unit next day.

Not a lot of help I know


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