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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Where are his medals?

Guest andyathers

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Guest andyathers

The site is quite amazing.It has lead me to find my great grandads war medal card.His card says he got no medals, yet he was a pow between 1914 - 1918.He was a machine gun corp.He has a letter from king george thanking him for his service.Does anybody know why he never got decorated.


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Andy can you post an image of the medal card so the forum can see it ?



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Hi Andy

Welcome to the Forum

Can you please let us have the details that you have for your great grandfather ie :- Name Rank & Number etc then we can start to help you.



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Guest andyathers

Thanks he was a private in the south lancs regiment, but finished up in the machine gun corp. This was between 08/05/1914 - 03/04/1919. his reg number is 141366.

We have his diarys and a letter from king georged proving he was a pow.So he must have been overseas and saw action.His medal card just says on the bottom

SWB List MGC/1180

His discharge papers also say on the medal's section

Authorized prior to hon 1918

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Guest Ian Bowbrick

There are 2 MICs for this soldier - put 141366 only in the number section and 5 cards will come up, 2 for your relative. I suspect you have is the card with his SWB on - the other should have his medal entitlement on.

This is called a split Medal Index Card.


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Hi Andy

141366 Pte William Samuel Atherton

Enlisted 08/05/1914

Discharged 03/04/1919 due to sickness aged 30 years & 1 month

Served abroad

Silver War Badge number 518738 issued


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Call me thick, but how do i view his other card


If you haven't already worked it out you cannot view it as such you must pay to download it from the on-line site.


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Guest andyathers

Would this swb medal be all he was entitled to.He saw active service with the machine gun corps, and was captured and became a pow.We have his diary's telling of the horror of being a pow.We aslo have a letter from king george thanking him for courage.I am not at all knowledgable about WW1 but surley my ancester would have more than a SWB

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