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MODS: the "Book reviews" forum is a mess!


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It's your call, Mods, but I would have though that a section entitled "Book reviews" would be just that. It seems to have lost its initial focus and be a dumping ground for any old topic about a book or books. Perhaps it either needs some movement of threads to other places or a change of title?

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If we do need a change - and I am not sure we do - I would go for a change of title -Books and Book Reviews. Or a Books thread And a Book Review Thread. While Chris has a point, really the two are just a bit muddled. But it does worry me too much.

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Change of title would seem the obvious solution - in my opinion, a single book-related subforum is enough

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"Books" or perhaps for the more pedantic "Book related" would seem to cover it all.

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I vote for "Book related" as just "Books" to me could mean a list. But I'm probably (?) pedantic - but improving.....

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:blush: The Guidelines need to be updated too *runs off*

Book reviews

Guidelines As a convention, if you are starting a new thread please use the book title as the main thread title, and the author as the second title line.

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I admit to having never been too bothered about whether a thread is in the most appropriate section, as each day I just work down all the new posts, depending on the thread title to decide which to read. Generally I agree with the views expressed in posts subsequent to Chris's. I too would opt for "Book related".

(I note that I have been a major contributor to the thread on "writing a book", which someone else started in "Book reviews", and that when I wished to draw attention to the new Pen & Sword series on individual towns in the Great War I started a thread in "Politics and Society".)

I also agree with Bardess's post 8.

Incidentally, when I do review a book I usually give details of the publisher, number of pages, price and ISBN number, but I'm not sure that such details are entirely necessary when they can be found by Googling the title and author.


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As you are a WW1 academic, but do not have access to all "serious "books ,printed on the subject,plus the Forum "was your baby" I can understand your concern .

But equally this is a Forum,of ordinary people, from a variety of different backgrounds,,who have a shared interest in WW1 but are not slavish.

Therefore, a WW1 Book,which have may passed you by,may be one a Forum Member wishes to purchase,for their personal interest and indeed you "broadcast" your forthcoming "Lys" Book. I doubt,however,for personal profit but rather for understanding.

I could be "high and mighty" and "ask" the author, of a reprinted diary,of a WW1 soldier,how he chose a pre-War photograph,of my relative that I have freely shared, on the Forum,,but now appears, in his book, without either acknowledgement to my relative's Battalion or me..

As you admit,it is the Mods final decision,as to what is allowed, on the Forum and ensuing discussion, and we should defer to them.

But to be honest ,I'm looking forward to the plethora of Novels,set in the WW1 period that appear in the Centenary and the following "expert" Forum dissection.. :D



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I am not sure of your point, George. The point I raised was not about what discussion might be allowed.

A "WW1 academic", moi? How do you work that one out? I am a Chartered Engineer and former manufacturing consultant who happens now to make his living from historical research.

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"Books and Book Reviews" sounds good to me

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I must admit that I would prefer to see book reviews and book related separated out. Book reviews should be just that, though it might also include e-book reviews and CD/DVD reviews as well. Perhaps the thread could also include a link to the book on amazon where appropriate!

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Would (when posting a review) adding " Book review " in the topic title help, then a search on " review " in the (book related sub-forum) should find them all?

Or am I haverin'?


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I would agree that it would be good to have a section that is for reviewing books which are newly printed/reprinted, but I also find it of value to be able to discuss and to be given recommendations of books, whether this be as a separate link to be decided. As new to this site and in all honesty a discovery of this period of our forefathers lives, it is good and relevant to be advised by the likes of yourselves who have far more knowledge/experiences of this time as to what books to read to learn more of the period. I would also remark on how willing information/help and guidance is given on this site. Many thanks. Mike

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  • Admin

Just an observation the sub-heading of the forum is "A place to discuss books" and not 'a place to review books'.


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There are two threads where I post on book related topics. This thread, where I post reviews and comment on other's contributions (a nod to Ken's #15 on this) and the 'What Books are you reading thread ?' which is a littler loose on content. Posters seem pretty au fait with the requirements of each thread and both seem amiable enough. If a specific thread was allocated to the review of the new it might serve a purpose but personally I'd rattle on as we are.


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Just an observation the sub-heading of the forum is "A place to discuss books" and not 'a place to review books'.


ie Book related.

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