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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Govan old parish church


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Last week whilst waiting to pick up my daughter I took a wander around Govan Old Cemetary, and I noticed a headstone of a family whose son was KIA in France if I remember correctly. It interested me as it was not a cwg but a family grave however I had no phone, camera or pen to

Take a note of his name for look up. When I went back today with my

Camera I could not locate it but near the spot where I remember it being there

Is a stone that has fallen over. Unfortunately I think it is the one I am looking for

I am not sure who to contact to see if the stone can be lifted and repaired. Any ideas? Sorry if this seems a

Silly post but I hate to think it has just fallen over and will be left like that forever.



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I'd contact the church in the first instance. If they can't help you they will probably be able to point you in the right direction.

Does Govan Old Parish Churchyard have another name? I can't find it on CWGC.


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I have always known it as Govan Old not sure if it has another name. Unfortunately it is no longer used as a church but it does house the Govan viking stones.

I spoke to one of the tour guides of the stones today but he was unable to help. I am sure it is a historical site as some of the headstones go back to early 18th century with some very unusual stones. It is a great place to visit. X

Kind regards

Jane x

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