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The History of the Great war


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going up for auction tomorrow

14 volumes in good condition The History of the Great War, Waverly Books, London

Please, is this a good read and how much should I bid ?



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Not much. Unless it has the sort of photographs that dealers want to cut out and sell separately I wouldn't expect it to have much value. I'm sure there would be some material that would be interesting, and presumably a lot of black and white images. Really you need to get in there early enough to look at it for yourself, maybe read a couple of pages about a specific action or event that you feel reasonably knowledgeable about, and then decide.

There are quite a few such items, possibly not so complete cropping up at car boots, or in corners at the back of the few remaining second hand bookshops, so the price surely should not be very high, probably a pound or two per volume I would guess - so I would be surprised if they raised £25.00 but although I do buy far too many old books I don't get to auctions so I could of course be completely wrong. Maybe someone who trades regularly will have a view.


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Thanks Keith.

I did have a bit of a read and it seemed OK.

One book shop on line appears to be selling the same series at £7 or £8 a volume, I will not be paying that.

The books are old but I saw no publishing date inside. On my way there shortly, see what happens.


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Most book dealers just refuse to buy the various different Great War series of books published during/after the war. Most are of limited historical veracity. Set a limit and don't go over it.

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The History of the Great War

edited by Newman Flower

Illustrated with Colour Plates, Photographs, Drawings and Maps

Contributors to this work include Charles Lowe, D.H. Parry, E Keble Chatterton,

Ernest Bryant, J.A. Brendon, Graeme Williams, G Horace Davis and other

Naval and Military experts. This for Vol.1

The Waverley Book Company Ltd, London.

unfortunately can see no publishing date

14 volumes, hammer price £10

going by the above names can anyone help with dating this ?



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The British Library says 1915 - 1921

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thank you


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