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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Lt Newbery-Boschetti

Matt Dixon

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I have been researching the chaps from my old school killed in WW1 and when I started the project I was given a list of names with brief details about the men.

On the list I was given from the school there was a chap who they listed as follows:

Lt L W Newbery (formerly known as Boschetti), formerly RN, then 1/3 South African Infantry, commemorated on the Menin Gate.

No one at the school was able to account for the legend "formerly known as Boschetti". I did a search on CWGC and at the PRO. There is a J Newbery 1/3 South African Infantry listed on the Menin Gate, but on CWGC there is Lt L W Newbery-Boschetti, RN buried in Cookham Churchyard, Berkshire.

It seems too much of a coincidence that this RN chap is listed, whereas the one on the Menin Gate does not have the same initials.

When I pointed this out to the school, they refused point blank to accept that the chap in Cookham Churchyard was from the school, even though it ties in exactly. They stated "The CWGC is obviously wrong...." :huh:

My question is, who does one trust, the school with their tenuous link to the chap on the Menin Gate or the chap listed by CWGC who fits with all details?

I don't know..........

Confused of Birmingham

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It could be, the school is in Oxfordshire and neither Maidenhead nor Newport Pagnell are that far from Oxfordshire.

Now I am even more confused (not hard admittedly.....)

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I can't see how the school can be right. There is no obvious link between the two men and they obviously don't know of one either - or they would have told you.

I would go with CWGC until you have evidence otherwise.

In any case there is a body in Cookham answering to this (unusual) name.

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That was my gut feeling as well, but I was struck (not for the first time) by the school's unflinching inability to accept that their archives might be wrong. They were so insistant that they must be right, I started to wonder if it was me that was wrong!

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It can be difficult for some people to admit an error especially if a man lying in Cookham does not sound as 'glamourous' as one dying on the Western Front.

However, it is also possible that whoever compiled the school record years ago knew something that none of us now do. Even if they were correct and he found his way to the SA army, a body answering his description is definately in Cookham!

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I agree with what you say.

I have had a "dispute" with the school previously over a chap that they had recorded as EUSTACE CREE, Anti Air Corps (Searchlights) buried in Leeds Hunslet Old Cemetery, died on 14th August 1920. These details have come from the list provided by the school.

In Leeds Old Hunslet is buried Ernest Creed, died 14th August 1920, listed by CWGC as being AAC (Searchlights). There is no Eustace Cree listed on CWGC, but once again I was informed that CWGC was wrong and the archives were right!

I shall take CWGC and Cookham as correct until such time as the School can prove otherwise to me!

Thanks for all your help.

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Boschetti appears in my book 'Leaving All that Was Dear - Cheltenham and the Great War' as follows:-

Lt Laurence William Newberry Boschetti died on 26/10/18 at 'Romani', Maidengead Berks, aged 34, and is buried in Cookham Cemetery. In the Cemetery Register he is described as a Lt RNR HMS P32 and the Navy list of October 1918 states that his seniority in this rank dated from 16/6/13. This would suggest that he was a professional merchant seaman, given Naval Reserve Rank and may have commanded P32 which was a patrol vessel of 600 tons, 224 feet long, capable of 20 knots and mounting a 4" gun. The purpose of the vessel would have been for coastal and estuary defence. A will, probate for which was granted in London, describes his address as No 3 Flat Napier House, Cheltenham. A further will has also been traced the of Jean Fletcher Newberry Boschetti who died at 'Romani', Maidenhead 5/11/18.' Boschetti is commemorated on the village memorial in Prestbury, Cheltenham.

Not sure whether the above will help you sort out your dilemma!


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