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General Sir Thomas D'oyly Snow


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This man was commander of the 4th division in 1914 and i believe he went on to be a corps commander i think seeing action under Gough in march 1918 but i may be wrong i also see their are some records of his personell papers or diarys regarding 1914. Has anyone seen these if so how good are they and any other info regarding this man good or bad please post.



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Maj Gen Sir Thomas D'Oyly Snow KCB

Born 5th May 1858

2nd Lt 13th Foot 22.1.79

Lt Somerset LI 1.7.81

Capt Somerset LI 1.7.87

Maj R Inniskilling Fus 1.5.97

then Northamptonshire Regt 26.4.99

Lt Col (Brevet) Northamptonshire Regt 16.11.98

Lt Col Northamptonshire Regt 17.3.03

Col 2.6.03

Maj Gen 31.3.10

Brig Gen Aldershot 95-98

Brig Gen Egypt 1.98-7.98

Brig Gen Sudan Expedition 7.98-9.98

AQMG IV Corps 6.03-7.05

AQMG Eastern Command 6.03-7.05

AAGE E Command 7.05-5.06

Brig Gen Gen Staff, E Command 6.06-9.09

Brig commanding 11 Brigade, E Command 10.09-6.10

Divisional commander 7.15

Corps commander (VII Corps) 1916 (Allenby's 3rd Army)

I have no information after that.

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The following is the Imperial War Museum's Department of Documents entry for the papers they hold for Snow:

Snow, Lieutenant General Sir Thomas D'Oyly 76/79/1

Two important ts accounts (71pp and 80pp) covering his commands of the 4th Division, August - September 1914, and the 27th Division, November 1914 - June 1915, both on the Western Front, together with two volumes of transcriptions of his letters home, August 1914 - December 1917, covering the above two commands and his command of VII Corps, July 1915 - December 1917, containing descriptions of the retreat from Mons, and the Battles of Second Ypres, the Somme, Arras and Cambrai.

(From www.iwmcollections.org.uk)

As you can see, his command of VII Corps ended at the end of 1917 - so he was not a Corps Commander under Gough in 1918.

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i have seen that the Pro has a record CAB45/129 the retreat from Mons by Snow if anybody has looked at it could they say wether its worth a gander.

thanks for the posts.... bmac,bryn,charles.

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