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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Need Expressions of Interest: The South West Africa Campaign


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Greetings Ladies and Gents,

I am trying to gauge the level of interest for a book about the 1914/1915 South African-led campaign to capture German South West Africa.

I have been working for about two years on an archaeological / historical project to preserve several battlefields in Namibia, principally the ones involved in Botha’s northern Swakop River Valley campaign.

After an extensive survey of the available literature, both contemporary and recent, I have put together a manuscript that I am hoping to have published. To that end, I would like to hear from the most interested target audience, the members of the GWF, as to whether they would be interested or think this would be a useful addition to the historiography of WWI.

I have focused not on one side or the other. I have attempted to tell the story from both sides using primary and secondary sources, as well as the archaeological record, in order to provide a balanced view of the campaign. Naturally, maps and photographs will complete the work.

Let me know your honest opinions. In the meantime, here are some photos to tease.



Images from left to right: Union artillery, Jakalswater Station today, Transval Scottish soldier.


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Do it please!

But why not produce an ebook that can be dramatically illustrated with photographs?


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I thought of an ebook, but wanted to first try hardcopy with all the photos and maps - I like being able to flip back and forth between text and pictures or index...

That said, ebook may be the way if I can't get a publisher interested in this somewhat obscure topic!

Best regards, James

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Do it James!

My great grandfather fought in that campaign and I'd love to read something on it. He was a signals officer with the S A mounted brigade, as ex Royal Engineer L/Cpl in the Boer War who returned to SA after his service was over and seems to have been commissioned in 1914

ebook a great idea I think



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a book like this on this subject would be most interesting and usefull. With the centennial on WW I coming up there should be a publisher out there who would be interested in it.

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Put me down for a copy.

GG Uncle was there with 2nd Mounted Rifles.



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