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Fred's war - A doctor in the trenches by Andrew Davidson


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have just bought this book after hearing the author speak about on a programme on radio four. Don't know if it has already been mentioned, but have just started reading it and there are some great photos. The book is about his grandfather who was a doctor in the trenches.

Well worth reading I think


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Its better than that!

Beautifully bound and printed on first class paper.

Amazing photos, and the text is very different and very informative.

Massive collateral for General Jack's Diary and also for early war of 2nd RWF because both in 19 Bde. These are the photos I wish 2nd RWF had taken.

Best new book on the war in years in my opinion.

If you buy no other this year, this is the one.

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I assume that htis is the Davidson who was MO of the 2nd Scottish Rifles in 1914 and that the book includes pictures taken by R C Money, one of the subatlerns. The Battalion was commanded by my kinsman Philip Robertson (later GOC 17 Div).

Charles M

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On the strength of that recommendation I have just ordered the book. If Grumpy says it's good, it's good!

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I've been wanting to get my hands on something like this for quite some time. Thanks for the recommendation.

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The style of writing is unusual but very effective, and so far I have not had cause to mutter "no, not so!" which is, as we all know, not normal for one such as I.

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I've been wanting to get my hands on something like this for quite some time. Thanks for the recommendation.

Does that refer to the book, or to your avatar?


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Does that refer to the book, or to your avatar?


Naughty Bruce, the lady is a lady.

The avatar is also ditto.

I am sure you noticed the latter, but not the former.

Naughty Bruce: the author is a 95 year old lady, according to information received.

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I've also been persuaded by Grumpy's recommendation. Hope you've got shares in the publisher!

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I've also been persuaded by Grumpy's recommendation. Hope you've got shares in the publisher!

No! I just know a cracking good read and reference book when I see one.

I am standing by for comment from those allegedly influenced by my honeyed words, once they have received the book.

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Does that refer to the book, or to your avatar?


Now, now...it's not polite to speak in such a manner about a 95 year old lady. She couldn't handle such "handling".

Back to the book: it doesn't appear to be available in Canada. I shall have to wait until my next trip to the UK to purchase.

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Now, now...it's not polite to speak in such a manner about a 95 year old lady. She couldn't handle such "handling".

Back to the book: it doesn't appear to be available in Canada. I shall have to wait until my next trip to the UK to purchase.

Amazon has it.

Hazel C

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A fantastic book, I was going to put a nod to it on the forum but I'm pleased it has already been noticed.

Just to confirm, Davidson was the MO of the 1st Battalion, not the 2nd Battalion. Many of the photographs are indeed those taken by R. C. Money, but there are also many photographs taken by Davidson himself. The author has also used a number of personal accounts, letters, diaries etc from the Regimental archive (and elsewhere) to tell the story.

It's a great book and I would second the recommendations already given above.

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For me it was un-put-downable.

The author concedes that it is a very unusual book.

No footnotes, no collateral, not academic.

And yet, and yet, the photographs are supplemented by an extremely readable text. True, he does put words in people's mouths, and thoughts in their heads, but the total product was, for me, entrancing.

The wrapper is excellent, the binding ditto, and, unusually, the paper does justice to the illustrations.

Grumpy found one definite error. There may be more, but so what!

Best buy in many years.

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My copy turned up today, I've only skimmed it, read some parts, looked at all the photos, and on that brief encounter, it does look like a very good book indeed.

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I think the short, personal excerpts leading into each chapter were very powerful. One in particular struck a chord with me and had me in tears, but I had the slight advantage of knowing what happened later. I think, as Grumpy as alluded to, the way he put's words in peoples mouths and thoughts in their heads makes the book what it is - a very readable and powerful account of what many of these men did and would have experienced. I've read most of the individual narratives; taken in isolation they are fantastic resources, but when pulled together they really do bring the stories, and the men who are telling them, to life. I read it in four hours, which for me is a record!

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Santa left this under the tree for me; the style of writing is a little offputting but nonetheless a cracking book


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Very pleased to receive -Haking . A dutiful Soldier by Michael Senior .

it looks a good read

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