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What did he do in the 5th Royal Fusiliers ?


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This is Royal Aero Club Certificate No.7025 issued to 2/Lt. Walter Charles Leslie Matthews, 5th Royal Fusiliers, on August 25, 1918. Matthews was born in London on January 7, 1895. He transferred from 5th Fusiliers to No. 125 Squadron where he piloted AirCo DH6s on anti-submarine patrols from Aldeburgh in Suffolk. 125's airfield is also given as Fowlmere from March 1 to August 17, 1918. His records at RAF Hendon give this chronology:

14 February 1918 from Reading to 125 Squadron Fowlmere

....................... attached School of Aeronautics

20 April 1918 from S. of A. to 125 Squadron

5 September 1918 "Not to fly above 5000 ft.

Recommended for employment on .... Submarine Work."

24 November 1918 from 31 T.D.S. to Eastern General Hospital

1 December 1918 from 31 T.D.S to G.N.E.O.P. Instructor in Aviation

11 December 1918 from G.N.E.O.P. to 31 T.D.S. Under Instruction

31 January 1919 from 31 T.D.S. to Crystal Palace

His record also says his appointment as a 2nd Lieutenant was published in the London Gazette N.R. 379 7/11/18.

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Seems your man was originally a Seaforth Highlander before joining the Royal Fusiliers, if you feel inclined you can download his Medal Index Card from the NA (costs £3.50) a link to his details is Here

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