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49th Brigade Royal Field Artillery


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I am trying to find out about the 49th Battery Royal Feld Artillery and whether they were involved in any action around 17th October 1917 ( i am pretty certain they were inolved in the Third Battle ypres0. the man I am researching named above died on the above date.

ANy information give will be gratefully received



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49 Battery RFA were part of 40 Brigade in 3 Division.

They were a very busy division and I recommend a look at the Long Long Trail website for details of this divisions actions.

They were at the Third Ypres but in the book 'Passchendale - The Day by Day Account' by Chris McCarthy, there is no mention of this division being in action on 17 October, (there would of course have been casualties on this day along the whole front.

3rd Division were heavily involved in the Battle of Polygon Wood (26 Sept to 3 Oct 1917), attacking successfully on the 26th at Zonnebeke. 40 Brigade must have suffered casualties during this period because at one time during it two of the batteries had only one gun in action between them out of a possible twelve.

On the 30 Sept, 3rd Division was relieved by 3rd Australian Division.

I don't know where they went after that, though they were at Cambrai in November 1917.

Was your soldier killed in action or died of wounds and where is he buried?

Hope this helps.


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Thanks Sean I don't know whether he was killed in action or died of wounds but I do know he was buried at Valmertinghe New Cemetery which I believe was on the extreme limits of the British Artillery.



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I see from the CWGC website that F E WARBURTON was an Officer.

This means that his records should have survived.

I recommend tyat you look at the Long Long Trail website which will give you details about how to research an Officer. The War Diary of the unit may also come in useful.

You may also might like to read 'The War Diary of the MASTER OF BELHAVEN', which is a marvellous book about an Officer in a RFA Battery.


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