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French army on the Somme 1916


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The French fought on the Somme? :P (That's probably news to many of the visitors to that region anyway! :whistle: )

Seriously though, I can't think of any that specifically detail the French on the Somme (in English) unfortunately, but William Philpott's 'Bloody Victory' goes into more detail than most.


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Thanks, Dave. I thought I might pay a visit to Fay and Soyécourt when I go out next July. It always helps to know something about what you're looking at!


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When, if, you get to Fay the new village is a few hundred metres east of the original. The foundations of parts of the original village are a short walk westwards and behind a hedge if memory serves. Frise, on the canal, is rather attractive.

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Can anyone suggest a book in English on the French army on the Somme in 1916.

I would fully endorse Dave's suggestion of 'Bloody Victory'. The virtually universal good reviews it enjoyed all commented on how the book brought the French role into sharp focus for the first time. I would certainly start with it


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None that I'm aware of. But, I too would suggest Philpott's Blood Victory. By far the best account of the Somme written IMO, it's readable, detailed and almost single-handedly overturns misconceptions about the battle. It's also only a few quid on Amazon.
Failing that you could try Robert Doughty's Pyrrhic Victory which covers French strategy throughout the war.

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I've been looking for a book in English on the French contribution to the Somme for years without success. Despite reading everything I could I still don't know much about it which I was reminded of when I was last in the visitor centre at Thiepval and looked at the maps which contrast the British and French gains. I've just skip read the section on the Somme in the Robert Doughty's Pyrrhic Victory and it's brief but good. The other book I have is Anthony Clayton's Paths of Glory - the French Army 1914-18 but this devotes only three pages to the Somme fighting. It's a good general work but inevitably just gives an overview. Probably the best thing I have on the subject which would aid a tour is a reprint of the Michelin Guide to the Somme Battlefield Vol 1 from 1920ish. It is of it's time in being a bit triumphalist but the descriptions of the actions and the ground seem quite good and the contemporary photos though small are very impressive.

Following Dave and David's recommendation of the Phillpot book I might have a go at that.


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Thanks for all your suggestions. I've sent off for Philpott's and Clayton's books and will now look out for the original Michelin guide. What prompted me to look into this was the new Michelin guide book on the Somme which has just been published. Looks like I'm going to have to improve my French!

Does anyone have access to trench maps of the area for July-September 1916?


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