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Recommended books on Mesopotamia Campaign?


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I have recently purchased Charles Townsend's "When God Made Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq 1914-1921" off Amazon and am awaiting it's arrival. I would like to ask if any of our 'learned friends' would reccommend any other books on the Mesopotamia campaign in WW1? Perhaps any diaries too?

I feel this is a somewhat forgotten sideshow in the war with greater events happening elsewhere and so I am looking to gain a better understanding of this campaign.



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I have recently purchased Charles Townsend's "When God Made Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq 1914-1921" off Amazon and am awaiting it's arrival. I would like to ask if any of our 'learned friends' would reccommend any other books on the Mesopotamia campaign in WW1? Perhaps any diaries too?

I feel this is a somewhat forgotten sideshow in the war with greater events happening elsewhere and so I am looking to gain a better understanding of this campaign.



Then I think you've ordered the right book. I haven't read it myself, but based on the laudatory reviews bought it as a birthday present for a friend whose great-grandfather had been in the column attempting to relieve Kut. He really enjoyed it and said it gave him, for the first time, an understanding of what this 'sideshow' was all about. I would equate the book with 'The White War' and what that book did for the Italian front.


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For modern narratives you have 'When God Made Hell' and 'Battles on the Tigris' by Ron Wilcox.

However if you want the best of them all then get a copy of 'The Neglected War' by A.J. Barker - a masterpiece of concise informative prose from a military expert.

I am sure that this is the foundation work that later authors followed.

For eye-witness accounts of many battles, and therefore valuable because of the lack of hindsight and modern opinions, read the two volumes of 'The Long Road to Baghdad' by Edmund Candler.

Free downloads at:

https://archive.org/details/longroadtobaghda00canduoft and https://archive.org/details/longroadtobaghd02cand

Happy reading! Harry

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"Surgery on Tresles" by Begg printed 1968 a very readable account by a medical officer of the early days of the campaign.

regards John

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Thank you all for the suggestions! Much appreciated! :) That's my Christmas spending sorted... :thumbsup:

Edmund Calder's books are a great find so thank you, Bushfighter.


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Trotter, there are some other online books accessible through the FIBIS Fibiwiki page "Mesopotamia Campaign", section "Historical books online"


Here is an alternative link to that given on the Fibiwiki page for A dweller in Mesopotamia, being the adventures of an official artist in the garden of Eden




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Barker's book was republished by Enigma Books in 2009 under the title 'The First Iraq War 1914-1918.' It has an introduction by Joseph Morrison Skelly, a US academic, but Barker's text is unaltered.

The original US edition of 'The Neglected War' was called 'The Bastard War.'

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A few memoirs =

On the Road to Kut by 'Black Tab', Hutchinson 1917

From Gallipoli to Bagdhad by Ewing, H&S 1917

Other Ranks of Kut by P.W Long, Williams & Norgate1938

A Prisoner with the Turks by R.F Lushington, Hockliffe 1923

The Secrets of a Kuttite E.O Mousley, Bodley Head 1921

In Kut and Captivity with the Sixth Indian Division by W.W.C Sands ,Murray 1919

With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia by H.J Blampied , Bombay Times Press 1918

Mons, Anzac and Kut by A. Herbert, Hutchinson 1930

A Kut Prisoner by H.Bishop, John Lane 1920

Mesopotamia 1914-15 by H.B Reynardson,Melrose 1919

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Many thanks all :) Townsend's book arrived this week.. now for feet up, mug of tea and a good evening's reading!


Before potential Googling of Blackmaria's list of memoirs :)

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  • 1 year later...

Can anyone tell me if any of these books deals with the RN presence on the Tigris?



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The FIBSI Fibiwiki page, mentioned in post 6 above, has links to a number of online books about the Navy in Mesopotamia which I copy here




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That's very kind of you to take so much trouble, Maureen.



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Maureen is one of our most dedicated researchers and information specialists.

Long may she continue !


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There is also a fairly recent book 'Gunboats on the Tigris' but I can't recall the author.

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It's title is actually 'Tigris Gunboats' and the author was Vice-Admiral W Nunn, and it was originally published in 1932, reissued in 2007

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Thanks Paul :)

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Other books on Mespot:

The Siege

Kut death of an Army

Ends and Means

also at archive.org

In the Clouds above Baghdad

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  • 2 weeks later...


SJ What are you looking for on the RN Tigris area?

Kut and Captivity 6th Indian Division, goes into operational observations, like the destruction of the Firefly, and various actions of some of the other RN Boats and of course the Bridging Unit Activities under the authors command (Sandes), its actually a good read it.

The Death of an Army M Ronald from my searches only gets 2.5 stars reviews - has any one read it and comments please

The British Army in Mesopotamia, 1914–1918 Paul Knight
Print ISBN: 978-0-7864-7049-5 Ebook ISBN: 978-0-7864-9304-3 17 photos, 26 maps any comments!

The Mesopotamia Mess Paperback The British Invasion of Iraq in 1914 What We Could Have and Should Have Learned
Jack Bernstein

As between you and Maureen who told me about it (you both have been helping me out), thanks.

Maureen also which bit are you researching on this campaign, I think we need to add our reviews of the books listed if possible too.

regards John

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SJ What are you looking for on the RN Tigris area?

Kut and Captivity 6th Indian Division, goes into operational observations, like the destruction of the Firefly, and various actions of some of the other RN Boats and of course the Bridging Unit Activities under the authors command (Sandes), its actually a good read.

regards John

Hi John,

Thanks for your interest. This all started from the story of Surgeon Dermot Loughlin RN aboard 'Comet', the command of E.C. Cookson, VC. I've become interested in the whole campaign but more particularly in the medical supply chain and administration as far as it involved the Tigris flotilla.


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Siege of Kut, the doctors were kept busy as of January 24th, Officers hospital was at #1 A Avenue, no x ray machine available, sickness from the rains / weather sanitation meant an amount of sickness almost unavoidable in our unhealthy surroundings.

From Kut and Captivity 6th Indian Division.

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Thank you!

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