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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

New Medal Group


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I have just acquired through trade a lovely group of five, with research, to 5328 Private William Henley, 1/Devonshire Regiment. The medals are: Queen's South Africa (Belfast, Natal); King's South Africa with the usual two clasps; 1914 Star with bar; War Medal; Victory Medal.

Henley was killed in action on 6 Dec.,1914, when the Devons moved back into the trenches for another tour between the Wulverghem-Messines road and the River Douve. He was apparently the battalion's only fatal casualty during the period.

My knowledge of the British Army numbering system is limited, although I am aware of the later TF renumbering,etc. My question is based on the fact that Henley retained his regimental number all through the period. In all the other QSA/14 Star groups in my collection, the fellows have differing numbers. In one or two cases it was a question of the man changing units, but in others they simply had a different number. In each case the numbers are confirmed by research, rolls,etc.

Is Henley unusual in retaining his number throughout?

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There are several scenarios which would explain Pte Henley retaining the same Regimental number from the Boer war until the Great War.

1) He extended his period of service to complete 21 years with the colours and thus was still a serving Regular at the start of the war;

2) He completed his colour service and became a reservist. Allowing that he enlisted for 12 years he may then have enlisted into Section D Reserve, which would have meant him retaining his original Regimental number.

If all liability for service had ceased at the outbreak of war and he re-enlisted he would have been issued with either a new 'regular' number or a Special Reserve number, presumably 3/nnnn, as this was fairly common as old sweats reported to the Regimental Depot of their old depot to enlist.

I thought there were more scenarios but can't think of one for the moment! I have several QSA/KSA/1914 star trio combinations where the recipient retained his number throughout. Unfortunately I do not have access to their papers at the moment so can't confirm on what basis they were serving throughout the period.

Nice group by the way!



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Hi Dave,

Great to hear from you. I seem to be having technical problems with my scanner,etc. (in other words I am a complete moron when anything goes wrong with it). I am waiting until this weekend when my son comes home from school to sort things out.

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