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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Origins of the War

Old Tom

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Does anyone know if the book by the german historian Fischer is available in english?

I have a copy of a book by Frittz Fischer in English but he wrote a number of books - which one are you after? The one I have is called in German Griff nach der Weltmach. Clark in a lecture last week was very dismissive but I noted that he actually attacked the author and not the argument.

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Thanks for that, I am interested in the one often referred to in which responsibilty for the war is attributed to Germany. Last reference I heard was on Michael Portillos radio programme yesterday. My limited memory of German lets me down 'Griff nach der Weltmach' ?

Old Tom

PS Google say Bid for World Power

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I think it translates as The grab for the World. The English translation is more prosaically titled Germany's Aims in the First World War. You can get 2nd hand copies through Abebooks.

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Fischer wrote many books, but the most significant ones to be found in English are:

Weltmacht oder niedergang: World power or decline

Buendnis der Eliten: From Kaiserrech to Theird Reich - elements of continuity in German history

Krieg der Illusionen: War of Illusions - German policies from 1911 to 1914

and his masterpiece - Griff nach der Weltmacht: Germany's aims in the First World War


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