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I've been looking at some local records that give details of men from Douglas, IOM who went off to war. For any one with a Manx interest it is something of a goldmine giving addresses, units (in some cases down to platoon level). I came across some abbreviations for units that I have not come across before. Some were solved by searching both this and the main site. Those that are outstanding are below

A private who was sent to 12 platoon, C company 1st PBMR in Hong Kong in 1918, what's the PBMR?

A ASC/MT Sgt who was attached to L of C (RUP). I'm happy with ASC/MT and L of C, but what is RUP?

A Grenadier Guards CQMS who was attached to the "Gen P, L.D.S.C., Caterham Surrey". What's a Gen P or an LDSC?

If anyone can shed light I would be grateful.


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Drat, I know what ASC/MT is but I see you already have it, I dont know what L of C is so if you could post that it may help with RUP.


Steve Chilton

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'Caterham Barracks' are still in existence, but no longer used by the Army. They have a website with some history of the buildings.


On the Chronology page there is a section that says an S.C. was built. Further down the page it says there was a Soldiers Canteen.

Maybe something to do with catering?



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Steve, "L of C" = lines of communication

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"I've been looking at some local records that give details of men from Douglas, IOM"

I can't help with your abbreviations, I'm afraid. I have problems of my own! However, I am interested in your records of Manxmen who served in the Great War. Are they available on-line? If not, could you look up John Pegum of Laxey, South Lancs Regiment (Prince of Wales's Volunteers? He was my uncle.

Michael Pegum

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The records are not on line, they are at the Manx Museum. The file of papers I referred to were compiled of Douglas men only (it would seem by the local Vicar), your man won't be amongst that lot. The Manx newspapers of the time are available on film at the museum and give lots of detail of men going off to war, casualties, home on leave, etc. If you had a specific date or dates I'd be happy to check next time I'm there, but I'm afraid that I have enough fishing expeditions of my own to do any more than that.


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Ref PBMR, I think some of the Middlesex Regiment went to Hong Kong

Come-on Pals, someone must know these



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Could the original perhaps be PBIWR - Princess Beatrice's Isle of Wight Rifles (1/8th Btn Hampshire Regt)? I don't know if any of them ended up in Hong Kong.


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I had wondered about Bengal Mounted Rifles, but couldn't work out the P



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Guest deepathart

Just a thought,

Could there be a site on the forum that lists abbreviations - being a newcomer and not familiar with anything to do with war - I am always getting stuck with them.

Regards to all,


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I had wondered about Bengal Mounted Rifles, but couldn't work out the P



Well that suggests you weren't incontinent, but doesn't prove you were in the right continent.



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Guest deepathart


Thanks for that site, I was thinking (Bonza don't be rude) more along the lines of the general abbreviations and not the Regiments.


Dee B)

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A ASC/MT Sgt who was attached to L of C (RUP). I'm happy with ASC/MT and L of C, but what is RUP?


I like a good puzzle so I have been happy to spend some time trawling through the various indices of Michael Young’s history ‘ASC 1902-1918’ but alas without success; he has nothing that looks like “L of C (RUP)”

So, beware, as we enter the realms of guess work

There is ASC Co. 1014 which in 1918 was in the ‘Persian L of C’ and its role was

‘Field Repair Unit in Army of Occupation’

Might this have been written by someone as L of C (Repair Unit Persia) or (RUP)?

For F & F under Lines of Communication there are 4 units listed as

MT Reception Park

no ASC Company numbers are quoted but in each case the NA ref is given as WO 95 4172. Might someone have mis-written RUP when they meant REP for Reception Park?

As I said, beware.

Michael D.R.

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