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Royal Warwickshire Regt


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Looking for any information fo a battn history for the 2nd Warks. My GG grandfather was an Old Contemptible and spent the entire war with the 2nd. I am particularly interested in what they were up to on the 28/12/14 and 2/11/15 when my relative was wounded.

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you sure your relative wasnt wounded during the attack near bas maisnil on the 18th december 1914?

on this date the casualies to 2nd warwicks were 12 officers and 363 men killed,wounded or missing

on the 28th of december the 2nd warwicks moved to le cron ballot


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I don't know about a battalion history but the 2nd Warks were in 7th Div and their history can be bought through the Naval and Military Press.


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I have a nagging feeling that in the not too distant past I read that 2nd Warwicks war diary was online. Can anybody help?


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mcderms,see if you can get a copy of british battalions in france & belgium 1914 by ray westlake at your local library(page 51,52 and 53 covers 2nd warwicks). it will show you what a brave man your relative was!


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WAR DIARY - 2nd Battalion, The Royal Warwickshire Regiment, WO/95/1664


December 18th The Bn was ordered to advance in 3 lines at 4.30 pm to attack and take the Germans Trenches which were in front of Le MAISNIL. The attack was proceeded by a heavy artillery bombardment by our artillery to which the enemy made hardly any reply. Attack was started by "B" Company on the right led by Capt Haddon, advancing in 2 lines: A Co advanced on the left in 2 lines with D Coy in the centre. C Coy formed the third line with entrenching tools. A Machine Gun was on each flank. Immediately the attack opened, the enemy opened a very heavy rifle & machine gun fire. The Battalion advanced under this with steadiness, suffering very heavy casualties. The 2/Queens sent 1 1/2 companies in support & although our dead were found only a few yards from the German trenches, the attack failed in its objective. What remained of the Bn subsequently retired into our trenches. Shortly After daylight the enemy came out & started examining our dead. Parties went out fr. our lines & buried some of the officers & collected discs from some of the killed. Owing to 2 officers of the Queens & several small parties of the Bn, when engaged in carrying our wounded into the enemy's lines, (the enemy refusing to allow us to remove our wounded) being made prisoners, & also owing to Lt Bover S.Staffords being killed while helping to collect our wounded, the informal armistice terminated Lt Col Brewis was found killed about 40 yards from the enemys line. Capt. Brownfield, Lts. Monk, Tucker, Campbell & Birt (attached R.E) together with 34 men were found a few yards from a German Machine gun. From evidence available, it is apparent that Capt Brownfield though previously wounded continued to lead the attack on the Gun.

19th Capt. I.H.G. White took command of the Bn. The following officers reported for duty. 2nd Lt & acting adjutant J. Pennington, Lt. Booker, 2nd Lts. Chavasse, and also Local Capt Swinhoe. 2nd Lt Strevens, acting Q.M. returned to duty with C. Coy. Lt & Q.M. Hyde returned fr leave. Bn mustered in the trenches 149 N.C.O. & men. The 2/Queens who had come in as support the previous day remained to occupy 2/3rds of our line. The remainder of 2 R W R had retired, by order after the action, into reserve at Cronballot. Following were casualties as far as could be ascertained: Officers Killed. Lt Col Brewis, Capts. Hodgson, Bromfield, 2 Lts Monk, Tucker, Campbell, Wounded. Capt Mulgrue, Lt Richardson, 2 Lt Standring. Missing. Capt Haddon, Lt Bernard. 2 Lt Pearce: R & F. 57 Killed, 87 wounded, 219 missing. 2 Lt. Standring died of wounds & was buried in Sailly Churchyard. Bn relieved 2/Queens in the Trenches. Following officers were attached for duty. Lt. Blosse R W Fus. 2nd Lts Austin, Poole.

20th In trenches. Order by G.O.C. 7 Div Congratulating Bn on gallant action on 18th received.

21st In trenches. Lt Col. Brewis buried in Sailly Churchyard.

22nd In trenches.

23rd "

24th Relieved by 2/Queens. Went into billets. Rue Biache. 1 officer & 70 men arrived as Draft. Officer 2nd Lt Stehn.

25th (Xmas Day in billets.) Lt Maunsell with draft of 240 R & F arrived.

26th Brigadier General C. 22 Inf Brig inspected Bn on parade. He warmly congratulated Bn on the gallant effort made to capture the enemy's trenches on 18th & explained how the action had been of great use to the Allied armies.

27th In Billets. During armistice on Xmas Day & yesterday following casualties officially reported Officers Killed Lt. Bernard. 2 Lt Pearce. Prisoner of War Capt Haddon. R & F 96 Killed 91 wounded 109 missing. Enemy reported several small parties of men entered trenches on 18th & were captured.

28th Bn moved to Billets in Cron Ballot.

29th In Billets. Cron Ballot. Drill & Musketry. Capt Vaughan 3 R W R. joined for duty & assumed command of Bn.

30th Enemy shelling at irregular intervals. 2 men killed & 7 wounded.

31st In Billets. Enemy Shelling at irregular intervals.


October 29th In billets. Dull day. Battalion paraded at 9 am and marched to the trenches to relieve 2 Btn Wiltshire Regt at CUINCHY. Strength Officers 19 O Ranks 528. Draft of 21 O Ranks joined for duty.

30th Fine day. Capt R.H. Bailey, Lieut S.H. May slightly wounded. O Ranks 1 wounded.

31st Fine day. wounded 1 O Rank.

November 1st Wet day. Relieved by 8th Devon Regt in trenches and proceeded to billets at FME DE ROI. Strength of Battalion Officers 28 Other Ranks 691.

2nd Wet day. Lieut. J.T. Kirkland RAMC proceeded to join 7th Divnl train for duty. Lieut. J.T. Hurst RAMC joined Battalion for duty.

3rd Wet day.

4th Wet day.



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I am sure that the best way for you is to read the War Diary of the 2nd Bn., R, War. R. Fortunately, you can see the War Diaries of all battalions of the Royal Warwickshire Regiment during the FWW 1 at the Regimental Musem in Warwick. More fortunately, their staffs such as Mr. David Baynham are extremely kind and helpful.

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