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Memoirs of Sir James Edmonds


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Clearly this is going to be a wise investment. That'll go down well with the management at home.

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David it is rather good. I think it was never published for 2 reasons; 1) the 3 missing chapters and 2) the antithapy because he was the Official Historian. Tom only publishes high quality productions, so could not sell vast amounts at 90. I see there is a signed one on eBay, :whistle: .

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Signed? By a Ghost Writer?

The power of Edmonds pen is mighty and often strikes from beyond the grave!

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Been away from the office for a couple of days and my copy was sitting on my desk when i arrived at 0830.

Splendid. And it smells lovely!

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From my understanding Harrington's only have a single copy to sell so that won't really benefit more than 1 buyer. Given the weight of the book £5 postage doesn't seem unreasonable.

I haven't complained about the cost of postage, I have merely reported that the book was for sale post free and will save someone money.


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I agree MartH I feel proud to have a copy( as well as two other TD Editions0. But it does deserve a wider audience I feel.

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I (carefully) had a look through on the train, and read the Introduction and the Preface, plus a skim through the body of the book, and all I can say is that anyone who is tempted but not quite sure - go for it. Excellent.

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Collected my copy from the Sorting Office this afternoon and will have a look through it later. Splendid presentation.

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The good news is that MrsA has ordered a copy for my birthday. :thumbsup:

The bad news is that my birthday isn't until the 23rd June. :(

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Let's hope you make it.

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Let's hope you make it.

I'm eating 34 portions of fruit and veg a day...

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I'm eating 34 portions of fruit and veg a day...

Make most of those portions carrots and you will be able to read it with the light off.

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Make most of those portions carrots and you will be able to read it with the light off.

The current regime is 20 portions beans, 14 garlic. I seem to have lost most of my friends...

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OK Back to the book please.

Keith Roberts

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I can guarantee Mr Abernethy will enjoy his birthday. Just opening the package will beat anything else: this is a splendid piece of work.

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It's quite superb, though haven't got into the meat of it so far. On a personal level, having spent some time travelling around Japan a few years ago I particularly enjoyed his description of his experience there in 1885.

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My copy arrived this morning. I viewed the parcel before MrsA reminded me that it wasn't my birthday yet... :(

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If it's any help, try on top of the wardrobe.

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I used to try meeting the postman at the front gate but then whenever he encountered the wife he couldn't resist mentioning all the books he'd delivered recently. There's no escape.

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I have been married for more than 40 years. I didn't get this way by looking on top of the wardrobe or canoodling with the postman...

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There is far too much canoodling with the postman on this thread, and I am jealous because I have had no books delivered this month.

Has anyone else read the book? Is the book worth it, not just for the production values, but the content too?

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This is quite a big book (500 pages) of not light reading. So far I have managed 220 pages or Chapter XVII (General Staff, War Office Intelligence Division, 1904-06, The Army Council, Russo - Japanese War, Geneva Conference). I do find myself going back over a few things and not into the real meat of things as yet, but yes so far it is well worth it and quite absorbing.

Regarding the production, it is excellent, that same as all of Tom's books in this series, and yet with some of the other books in this series there were a few comments re. the price.


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