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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Memoirs of Sir James Edmonds


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Tell that to Claire Grogan :(

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You are too erudite for me. Your allusion is ootwith ma ken. Ken?

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Ken the Bruce?

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I fear, Mr Broomfield, sir, that a posse of mods may be lurking round the next corner waving an array of choice mashie niblicks, intending to stress (by force majeure, if necessary) the importance of not straying from the essence of the thread. Bampots, the lot o' them, but whit're ye gonnae dae?

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Very true. Very true.

I am glad you had a jolly birthday, equally glad you like your present, and look forward to a full review when you've finished reading it. Friday?

(I think we might have put the blighters off, so have this one on me)

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Possibly Friday. I'm not saying which one.

Isn't it curious? Your attachment contains trite lyrics and a dire melody but I like it. Mind, I have just been watching Herman's Hermits.

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  • 1 year later...

And, slightly more than 6 months later, I have begun reading it. Early days yet, but I'm enjoying it. The fragments of gossip leaven the authoritative overview of the army which he undoubtedly has. One thing not yet mentioned (I think) is his literary style which is elegant and confident. I give you his first sentence - yes, 'sentence' - which is also his first paragraph.

"Of my parentage, childhood and schooling in a London of whiskered men, fat women, and noisy, muddy streets over which passages were swept by 'crossing sweepers;' in a world of horses; without electricity, internal combustion engines, cinemas, rubber tyres, without even bicycles; in an England of dismal Sundays, but of plenty, with penny postage and low prices all round, I have written elsewhere a full account for my grandchildren: so much has been recorded about the Victorian age - I was born in December 1861, the month in which the Prince Consort died - that I feel that no more need be said about it here."


P.S. I lie awake at nights wondering whether a comma is required between 'December' and '1861'. I fear it may be.

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I wouldn't.

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  • 7 months later...

I don't think this thread could get any further off-topic. Excellent work!


On another note, I just ordered the tome - with thanks to MG for the reminder - so there are some left if anyone else is interested.




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Arrived this morning, following hard on the heels of 'If Germany Attacks', ordered in error!


Beautiful. Number 256....which appeals most deliciously to my nerdy side.





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