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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Soldier Database


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After a discussion about this on another thread I decided to offer my database to anyone who thinks it may be of use to them.

For anyone interested I was lucky enough to find out that my ISP allows me some free web space and as a result I created a webpage where you may all download a copy of my Anzac Database (3.3 MB) if you wish to. (There are screenshots to view if you want to know how it looks))

It is obviously designed for Australian soldiers but can more than likely be used for any British troops by using only a little imagination with the different fields. Alternatively, once it's on your computer, if you have any knowledge of Access, you could work with it and alter it to suit.

I'm going to try and create specific databases and post them on the site, however I only have limited space and I don't know how many will fit.

The Anzac database has two records already on it - the first is an example of how I anticipated it to be used and the second was left on there accidentally when I was testing it. To remove these all you have to do is push the 'Delete Record' button.

To obtain a copy simply go to My Anzac Database and follow the download instructions which are really simple.

I'd love some feedback to see how many of you use it and what you think.

Tim L.

P.S. Since this is not a commercial enterprise and I don't get a thing from it, I'm happy to give you a refund if you don't like it. :lol:

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what an incedibly useful thing to make available - I'm sure this will be appreciated by lots of folk who're keen to build a unit database.


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I created a webpage where you may all download a copy of my Anzac Database (3.3 MB) if you wish to. (There are screenshots to view if you want to know how it looks))

It is obviously designed for Australian soldiers but can more than likely be used for any British troops by using only a little imagination with the different fields. Alternatively, once it's on your computer, if you have any knowledge of Access, you could work with it and alter it to suit.

I have just downloaded and installed the database (took 2 mins) and it works beautifully. Many thanks, mate.


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I have an excel spreadsheet. Can this be exported into access. If so how do i make the front menu?.


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Thanks guys for the replies.


Yes you can import data from an Excel spreadsheet to Access but you would be best using the help menu in Access to learn how. I've never done it but I'm sure with a little bit of practice it could be perfected in a short time. Before attempting it I would make a backup of the original spreadsheet just in case of stuff ups. It also means you can play and fiddle with it without being concerned at losing your data. The front menu system of Access is called the Switchboard. You will find 'Switchboard Manager' under either 'Add-Ins' or 'Database Utilities' on the Tools menu of Access.(depending on which version of Access you have).


I'm glad it worked fine. You have made history by being the first to download it from my website!!! :D

I've sent you an email about a few things regarding the database.

Tim L.

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Loooks good Tim!

There's too much junk on my HDD at the moment, time for a spring clean anyway,

Then I'm into it. Would have liked to be No 1 Ticket Holder, but good luck to the new kid on the block.



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Thank you very much for making this available to everyone.

I'd been looking to create a database like this but never got round to working out how to proceed in Access.

I haven't really tried it out in ernest yet, but first impressions are that it's going to be very useful! :D

I'll keep you posted on how things go.


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That's very kind of you Tim. Currently I have my Fremantle list in Word format but this seems like a very useful tool.

Next time your in WA I'll owe you several drinks :D

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You have made history by being the first to download it from my website!!! :D

I've sent you an email about a few things regarding the database.

Tim L.

Yes. well the download worked perfectly. Have opend it up and looks really goood. Thanks for the hints, too.


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Thanks for the responses.

Just one little thing I should mention. On the dropdown box for 'Result', i.e. Killed in Action, Died of Wounds, etc the entry for 'Repat to Australia (RTA) has two spaces between the word Australia and the (RTA) bit. This was an accidental typo by me but it's important to know because when performing a search or preparing a report in relation to this field it MUST coincide exactly with what is in that box. For example if you were searching for all those soldiers killed in action you can't simply type KIA because the field specifies the entire wording.

Hint - just because a dropdown box lists certain options, you are still able to type in your own. Just remember to make similar ones identical for search purposes.

Tim L.

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An updated database is now available at my website. I have rectified the problems with the 'Result' field, making it simpler and with more options.

The update doesn't have a setup program but simply cut and paste it over the top of the old one which should have installed itself at C:\Program Files\Anzac Database. N.B. Any data already inputed into the original version will be lost when you do this so either get the update before entering any info or make a backup.

Sorry for the inconvenience but it won't happen again.

Tim L.

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An updated database is now available at my website. I have rectified the problems with the 'Result' field, making it simpler and with more options.

The update doesn't have a setup program but simply cut and paste it over the top of the old one which should have installed itself at C:\Program Files\Anzac Database. N.B. Any data already inputed into the original version will be lost when you do this so either get the update before entering any info or make a backup.

Sorry for the inconvenience but it won't happen again.

Tim L.

Will do, thanks mate :P

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Hi Auimfo,

I followed this one in from the other thread - just a quck question - I have Access 97 - would it work on this version? (I'm 99% sure it won't)



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What an incredible guy you are, this is wonderful. I have been toying with database ideas for months and this is just great.

Thank you for your very kind gesture. :D

Kind regards


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Thanks for the reply. Yes XLS can be converted i have just tried it. Thanks for the input. when it is done i will let you know and you can have a look.

Thanks again Tim


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Thanks for this, it is great and I am sure it will be of use to lots of people.

Unfortunately I was unable to get to Underhill Farm Cemetery at the weekend as I had hoped so couldn't visit your relatives grave there. They had a bike race on in the area and the road was closed off.

Definately on the agenda for next time though.


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What a truly fantastic piece of access creation

Thanks very much


Perce :D

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Tim - very many thanks for this. Ive been toying with moving my 6,500 strong 19th Londons database to Access from Excel for some time. This is just what I needed. Hopefully I can now work out what to do from here. will let you know how I get on.



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Just wondered if anyone had a problem with the database, my computer would not recognise the file type (i don't have a copy of Access on my computer), so i downloaded a "Reader" for Access 2000 but still no joy, i e-mailed Tim the other day but no reply as yet, could anyone on the Forum help please,



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An email sent to you today. I think you'll find you require the full program Access 2000 to enable the database to run correctly.


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