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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


Guest lenabmit

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I'm trying to understand the background of my Grandfather's part in the war. What do the terms territorial and commissioned mean? Did all soldiers receive payment whether called up or vlounteers? Also the terms private and lance corporal. Thanks

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Territorial - The Territorial Army was (and still is) a part-time volunteer reserve. At the outbreak of the war it's regiments were mobilized and sent overseas. From then on, althought there were specific Territorial Regiments and Divisions, the distinction between Territorial Soldiers, and other wartime volunteers, was minimal.

Commisioned - Of Officer rank (2nd Lieutenant and above)

Did all soldiers receive payment - Yes. I don't think there was any difference.

Private - The lowest rank in the army. All non officer recruits would start at this rank.

Lance Corporal - The next step up from a Private. Not technically a rank, but an appointment. I believe a Lance Corporal did not receive any more pay than a Private.

I think the above is essentially correct, although there are usually exceptions to every rule in the British Army!



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