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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

12 October 1914


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Today is the 90th anniversary of the death of my Great Uncle. L/8043 Private Richard Smith, 1st Battalion East Surrey Regiment was killed in action one mile west of Richbourg L'Avoue. Also killed that day were:

9496 Private Herbert Leslie Bowler – Aged 21

7805 Private George Alexander Cox – B Company

6996 Private Robert Alfred Stocker

10704 Private Robert Teesdale Bolton – Aged 18. (Served as Frederick Webb)

2nd Lieutenant A Thompson.

The Battalion War Diary records:

The Battalion crossed the canal at 8.45am and marched along a very winding road passing several Dragoon regiments, followed by two regiments of Alpine Chasseurs who warned them of two Company’s of German Infantry close ahead. The Battalion soon engaged them and halted their advance. The Battalion Machine Gun Section knocked out three enemy machine guns and every effort made by the enemy to retrieve them was frustrated by accurate fire. D Company and the Machine Gun Section held an orchard and farm buildings astride the road with the battalion left line extended in open country. The left of the line made a small advance but were checked by enfilade fire and retired. The Battalion entrenched and strengthened its position during the afternoon. Shortly after dark the enemy attacked but were driven off. The rest of the night passed quietly. Casualties for the day were one officer killed (2/Lt A Thompson), five other ranks killed and sixteen wounded.

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Raising a glass for Private Richard Smith and the other pals tonight.

God bless them all.


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