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Need help with this Book: The History of the Royal Bavarian 6th Field


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I recently bought an antique M1879 revolver with a regimental unit mark.

B.6.A.6.51 Bavarian 6th Artillery Regiment 6th Battery Weapon 51

I started doing some research and it so happens that there was a book written back in 1931 about this unit.

Since I don't read German I was wondering if someone might know what this book is about?

The German Title is


Die Geschichte des K.B. 6. Feldartillerie-Regiments Prinz Ferdinand von Bourbon Herzog von Calabrien



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It's the regimental history .... 'History of the Royal Bavarian 6th Field Artillery Regiment, 'Prince Ferdinand of Bourbon, Duke of Calabria'.

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Yes, 'B.6.A.6.51' does on the face of it seem to be "Bavarian 6th Artillery Regiment 6th Battery Weapon 51" - but doesn't that 51 seems a rather high number for a revolver issued to a member of a battery? I really have no idea how many revolvers these guys would have, but it just seems to me to be a bit on the high side - for example, I think / thought that it was only the officers and senior NCO's who were issued with hand-guns.

Can we have a photograph and a better description of the weapon?



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Well, that's certainly an interesting set of numbers and stamps there! It's too late for me (kid's bed- and story-time here) to do much now, but somebody else will probably help you before I get up tomorrow.

But, as you will know, you have a re-issued weapon, this having belonged to another Bavarian unit before being issued to 'B.6.A' - I think that one was a reserve unit? Or a mounted artillery unit - a small 'r' might indicate a "reitende batterie". (But Bavarian markings are still rather uncharted territory for me!).

I think the first photo on post no. 4 (with the 'B.6.A' marking) shows the inspector's mark to the left of the number. And obviously you have lots of nice matching part numbers!

It's a nice looking piece! But I am still wondering about that high number '51', which just seems to me a way bit too high to be an artillery unit-issued weapon... Looking at the 1877 regulations right now and I wonder if the 'A' might be for an Amt (an Office/department, e.g., provisions, bakers), or Auditeure, etc..

Hopefully somebody who knows more about Bavarian markings and especially the critical number of revolvers in an artillery unit will chime in at some point ... And, if you agree, I wouldn't mind seeing those photographs of the markings re-posted on this thread - http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=208575 - All grist to the mill!



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